(if you were never a special person, you are a special person  now!!)
If you can call an American a 'Day' and take away his civil rights, what makes you think 'Night' will be any different?


RFD Oligarchy

You don't need nuclear weapons to destroy America.

All you have to do is say, without due process of law:
"These Americans are different, American Law does not apply to them."

A bunch of people going around calling themselves WE, has the law of the mob, and the authority of the bully.

This is the royal seal of King George III
(You know, that guy the U.S. declared Independence from?)
King George III Royal Seal

“Defiance, not obedience, is the American's answer to overbearing authority." ~ Ayn Rand

Under the Constitution, fundamental liberties (speech, a free press, worship, self-defense, travel and privacy, to name a few) are accorded the highest protection from governmental intrusion.  One can only lose a fundamental right by intentionally giving it up or via due process (a jury trial resulting in a conviction for criminal behavior).
~ Judge Andrew Napolitano

Judge Napolitano

The Constitution Of The United States
The Constitution Of Texas

those are Walls Against Tyranny

"The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion."
 ~ Albert Camus

“Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.” ~ Albert Einstein

"We have met the enemy, and they is us." ~ from the Walt Kelly cartoon Pogo

“Individual rights are not subject to a public vote; a majority has no right to vote away the rights of a minority; the political function of rights is precisely to protect minorities from oppression by majorities (and the smallest minority on earth is the individual).”
~ Ayn Rand

Since there is no such entity as “the public,” since the public is merely a number of individuals, any claimed or implied conflict of “the public interest” with private interests means that the interests of some men are to be sacrificed to the interests and wishes of others. Since the concept is so conveniently undefinable, its use rests only on any given gang’s ability to proclaim that “The public, c’est moi”—and to maintain the claim at the point of a gun.
~ Ayn Rand

"A mob is no less a mob because they are with you."
~ President John Adams

"The Constitution controls, not the mob."
~ Senator Lindsey Graham

              Roadkill Logo

Fighting usurpation of authority since 2006
"So long, and thanks for all the fish..."

No courts, no judge, no jury?  No thanks...
You can't have American Law, it's too dangerous! ;)

I defect
(and as a citizen, demand political asylum in the United States Of America)

            Williams Moscow On The Hudson

Robin Williams in the very fun movie "Moscow On The Hudson"
(click on the picture for the entry in the Internet Movie Database)

"Crime is crime, aggression against rights is aggression, no matter how many citizens agree to the oppression.  There is nothing sacrosanct about the majority; the lynch mob, too, is the majority in its own domain."
~ Murray Rothbard

The Lynch-Mob Mentality - At least Salem witch hunters gave pretenses of trials before burning their fellow citizens at the stake.
Article by Glenn Greenwald

"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their consciences."
   ~ C. S. Lewis

“You had to live—did live, from habit that became instinct—in the assumption that every sound you made was overheard, and, except in darkness, every movement scrutinized.”
—George Orwell, 1984

Patriot Act

Trust Government
Never lose sight of the foundations of our country....

US Flag Links to The Constitution and Declaration of IndependenceUS Flag

"Man is free if he needs to obey no person but solely the laws."
~ Immanuel Kant

FOUNDING FATHERS OF OUR NEW COUNTRY - a long but excellent piece about the foundations of our country.  Well worth the read.

Four Things We Should Teach Children about the Constitution

Logo of the Libertarian Party
" As Libertarians, we seek a world of liberty; a world in which all individuals are sovereign over their own lives and no one is forced to sacrifice his or her values for the benefit of others.  We believe that respect for individual rights is the essential precondition for a free and prosperous world, that force and fraud must be banished from human relationships, and that only through freedom can peace and prosperity be realized.  Consequently, we defend each person’s right to engage in any activity that is peaceful and honest, and welcome the diversity that freedom brings. The world we seek to build is one where individuals are free to follow their own dreams in their own ways, without interference from government or any authoritarian power."

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Kurt F. Ericson
(You've got the wrong number.  There ain't no Thelma here, man...

Boom Dot
Inspiration provided by The Firesign Theatre
The finest in comedic and intriguing Radio Theater, since 1967

"It's better than Gone With The Wind!" ~ W.C. Fields

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Current (more or less) News and Op-Ed
"Pravda??  You can't handle Pravda!!"
Click here for more news stories and editorials from the Archive

We Are in Need of Renaissance People - "So, we should occasionally pause and reflect on the Kristoffersons and Musks in our midst. They play a vital role in enriching culture and civilization for the many without becoming part of the narrow few. And we owe these people, who belong to a rare and hallowed caste of the ages, for making our lives richer, more enjoyable, easier, and safer."
Mistaking Militarism for Statecraft, Empire for Democracy and Debt for Prosperity - " It is time to wake up, America. It is time to stop this madness which presents as legitimate governance, and to think, to speak and to stand for peace, diplomacy and the continuation of life on our small planet."
Hunger Games Is Fiction No More - "There is general agreement today that the United States does stand at the precipice of something huge because the existing disequilibrium is simply not sustainable on multiple levels. The key question is always: what kind of society do we want to live in?"
The Ruling Elites Create an Orwellian Reinterpretation of Human Rights - "In denoting any dissent as “hate,” it is the very negation of free speech and freedom of thought. Through Orwellian Newspeak, ordinary words like “liberty,” “justice,” and “equality”—values that most people would support—have been subverted and harnessed to promote socialism."
Living with Perpetual Violence - "If we do these two things — restore a limited-government republic and a foreign policy of non-interventionism — we would go a long way toward restoring a free, peaceful, harmonious, and prosperous society to our land."
RFK Jr. Unleashed: Biden's Israel "Bait And Switch", COVID Censorship, And Backing Treasuries With Gold And Bitcoin -  (You have to be a paid subscriber to watch the interview, but the article gives you idea of his positions.)
Virtual Home Invasions: We’re Not Safe from Government Peeping Toms - “The privacy and dignity of our citizens is being whittled away by sometimes imperceptible steps. Taken individually, each step may be of little consequence. But when viewed as a whole, there begins to emerge a society quite unlike any we have seen—a society in which government may intrude into the secret regions of man’s life at will.”—Justice William O. Douglas
Climate: The Movie (The Cold Truth) is Excellent - Deconstructing the climate cult, the scientific dogma, the funding, and the attacks against those speaking out who become "persona-non-grata".
Human ‘behavioural crisis’ at root of climate breakdown, say scientists - "New paper claims unless demand for resources is reduced, many other innovations are just a sticking plaster."
The Perfidious Unreality of the “New Normal” - "This is the perfidious unreality of the “new normal”. It’s not just about deception or fakery or propaganda.  It’s about breaking your spirit and your mind."
The Magic Moment - “This is in my opinion, the worst thing that’s ever happened to our country in my lifetime in the world, and the government’s role cannot be denied,” — Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene on C-19-Vaxx
The Counterculture Everyone Forgot - Rather than mocking the Counterculture, we would benefit from re-acquiring its values that favored frugality and the ownership of skills, work, enterprise and land.
Sustainable Development is Technocracy - "Technocracy origins, agenda 2030, and eroding the sovereignty of nation states."
Ron Paul’s Heroic Struggle To End the Fed - "Since 1913, the Fed has had it all its own way: booms and busts, dollar depreciation, redistribution to the government and the big banks from the middle and working classes."
Why Patriots Shouldn't Pledge Allegiance - "This "slavish ritual of devotion to the state" has no place in a free society."
Disarm the IRS, De-Militarize the Bureaucracy, and Dismantle the Standing Army - "If we are to have any hope of salvaging what’s left of our battered freedoms, we’d do well to start by disarming the IRS and the rest of the federal and state bureaucratic agencies, de-militarizing domestic police forces, and dismantling the police state’s standing army."
War Certainly Is A Racket - "When the warmongers next press gang our sons and daughters into dying for their ambitions, we will again say it is in a good cause: for the defence of our country, our culture or our way of life.  It isn’t, it never was and it never will be as long as we continue to go along with it."
Don’t Bow Down to a Dictatorial Government. America Is a Prison Disguised as Paradise - “If all that Americans want is security, they can go to prison. They'll have enough to eat, a bed and a roof over their heads. But if an American wants to preserve his dignity and his equality as a human being, he must not bow his neck to any dictatorial government.”— President Dwight D. Eisenhower
Dictatorship in Disguise: Authoritarian Monsters Wreak Havoc on Our Freedoms - "If they live (the tyrants, the oppressors, the invaders, the overlords), it is only because “we the people” sleep."
Why Orwell matters - "His defence of freedom flies in the face of all that is woke and regressive today."
The World Is A Hindenburg In Search Of A Spark - 10 Of The Most Explosive Issues We Face - "The 10 explosive issues above should exceed the need most people have for doom porn."
The Rat Race - "The only more accurate metaphor for human existence I have seen is "They Live", but this gets it done in 2 minutes flat."
Modern US Warmongering Is Scaring Henry Kissinger
- "Henry Kissinger is warning about the dangers of US warmongering not because he has gotten saner, but because the US war machine has gotten crazier."
Have You Any Idea How Your Carbon Footprint 👣 And Your Carbon Wallet Are Really Going To Work In This Dystopian World The WEF Have Planned ? - "It will eventually take the shape of an app that covers all the bases of Digital ID, Digital currency, social credit score etc. Basically a total control and surveillance grid which there will be no escape from."
A few words of wisdom on Independence Day - "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." —Benjamin Franklin
The Bitcoin Energy Debate is One of Freedom vs Servitude - "If you accept that anybody has the moral authority to tell you what you can and can’t do with your own wealth and how you consume energy, then you are submitting to their judgement on every aspect of your energy consumption, and thus, your entire life."
The Con Job of the Century? - "War and disease are profitable, while peace and health are not."
America Still Loves the Warfare State - "Too many innocent lives have perished, and trillions of dollars have been spent to continue indulging the quixotic daydreams of foreign policy wonks who will skirt any form of accountability for their misdeeds."
Do We Really Want to Return to "Normal" If "Normal" Is Destroying the Planet? - " Change the incentives, and the outcomes change."
Who Killed the Middle Class? - "The middle class has already collapsed, but thanks to debt and bubbles, this reality has been temporarily cloaked. All bubbles pop, and all excessive debt ends in default."
A Primer for the Propagandized: Fear Is the Mind-Killer - "Dare to question. Dare to disbelieve. Dare to defy ideology in favor of science while you still can."
How America Went From Mom-and-Pop Capitalism to Techno-Feudalism - " We are now really all headed into a future dominated by inherited wealth, as capital is concentrated in fewer and fewer hands, giving the very rich ever greater power over politics, government and society. Patrimonial capitalism is the name for it, and it has potentially terrifying consequences for democracy."
Never mind The Great Reset. Here comes The Great Reject. - "The antidote to all of this are crypto-currencies, smart contracts and decentralization."
Chris Hedges: The Unraveling of the American Empire - "U.S. leadership has stumbled from one military debacle to another, a trajectory mirroring the sad finales of other historical imperial powers."
The Never-Ending Battle between Leviathan and Liberty - "To presume that liberty is inevitable is to absolve oneself from fighting oppression. As soon as people drop the reins on government, politicians will leash the people. Rather than hoping for an “end of history” triumph, people must battle forever to defend their rights. As long as individuals continue to defy oppressors, the seeds of resistance will produce bountiful harvests of freedom in better times."
The Myths of Green Energy - " The true costs of “replaceable” energy have been fudged by not counting external costs or replacement costs; the full lifecycle costs of “replaceable” energy are much higher than promoters are claiming."  << The movie Planet Of The Humans explains it well.
That’s All Folks! - "The point is, conform or be labelled an “extremist,” a “domestic terrorist,” or some other type of “antisocial person” or “social deviant,” or “potential threat to public health.”"
A Nation Imploding: Digital Tyranny, Insurrection and Martial Law - "We are teaching our children all the wrong things: we are teaching them to hate, teaching them to worship false idols (materialism, celebrity, technology, politics), teaching them to prize vain pursuits and superficial ideals over kindness, goodness and depth."
Unipolar vs Multipolar: The Death of McKinley and the Loss of America’s Soul - A lengthy but very much worth reading article on the foundations of American Imperialism, and what the future may hold for our relations with other countries.
H.G. Wells’ Dystopic Vision Comes Alive With the Great Reset Agenda - "Although the bodies of Wells, Russell and Huxley have long since rotted away, their rotten ideas continue to animate their disciples like Sir Henry Kissinger, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Lord Malloch-Brown (whose disturbing celebration of the Coronavirus as a golden opportunity to finally restructure civilization) should concern any thinking citizen. The idea of a “Great Reset” expounded by these modern mouthpieces of history’s bad ideas signals nothing more than a new Dark Age which should turn the stomach of any moral being."
Big Brother in Disguise: The Rise of a New, Technological World Order - “You had to live—did live, from habit that became instinct—in the assumption that every sound you made was overheard, and, except in darkness, every movement scrutinized.”—George Orwell, 1984
Ron Paul: The Untold Story of the Man Who Helped Inspire a New Generation of Liberty Lovers - Ron Paul's 2008 presidential campaign is what got me interested in Libertarianism
10 Ways the Communist Manifesto has Infiltrated the USA - "In America, the goals of the communists have crept their way into society with little fanfare. Many people have no idea that public schools, the graduated income tax, and even a central state-controlled bank (like the Federal Reserve) were tenets of the Communist Manifesto."
Justice Sleeps and ‘We the People’ Suffer: No, the U.S. Supreme Court Will Not Save Us - "For those deluded enough to believe that they’re living the American dream—where the government represents the people, where the people are equal in the eyes of the law, where the courts are arbiters of justice, where the police are keepers of the peace, and where the law is applied equally as a means of protecting the rights of the people—it’s time to wake up."
Nihilism Embodied: Our Lawless Financial System - "The one thing we can say right now, unless something drastically changes, is that there are no upper level champions for the ordinary citizen."
The CIA Versus the Kennedys - "...Joseph Kennedy recommended that the CIA’s power to engage in covert activities be terminated and that the CIA be strictly limited to collecting intelligence and empowered to do nothing else."
WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE? - "I’ve lately found myself saying “what difference does it make” regarding the outrages being inflicted upon myself and my fellow citizens on a daily basis."
ARE YOU LOVING YOUR SERVITUDE? - “A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude.” ― Aldous Huxley, Brave New World
ARE YOU LOVING YOUR SERVITUDE? - (Part Two) - “When the whole world is running towards a cliff, he who is running in the opposite direction appears to have lost his mind.” – C. S. Lewis
The Nation Is Falling Into the Abyss Between Wall Street and Main Street - "The abyss between the Fed's illusion of phantom wealth for Wall Street and the collapse of Main Street is bottomless, and our descent into the abyss is accelerating."
What Capitalism Can Do When Allowed, And Communism Never Will - "If China’s Communist Revolution hoped to survive, it would have to go all the way – on the economy. Embrace the wealth and technology that only a capitalist system could invent and then multiply. And, of course, stealing, pilfering, and thieving as much as possible where possible; that’s the part of Trotsky they all seem to agree on."
What Lies Ahead - " Like another financial-banking crash, a major political instability event—domestic or foreign—could easily send an already weak US economy struggling in the midst of a Great Recession into the abyss of the first Great Depression of the 21st century."
America’s “Days of Rage”: The Extensive Left-Wing Bombings & Domestic Terrorism of the 1970s - "Most Americans have never heard of these acts of terrorism from leftist groups that were so numerous throughout the 1970s. But this is a prime example of “those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” The urban unrest, which has rocked America in the early 2020s, is nothing new. The 1960s saw both race riots and left-wing terrorist groups looking to exploit animosity between racial groups in America."
Welcome to the Crazed, Frantic Demise of Finance Capitalism - " The cognitive dissonance required to ignore the widening gap between the real economy and the fraud's basic machinery--speculation funded by "money" conjured out of thin air--has reached a level of denial that can only be termed psychotic."
Drumbeats of the Epocalypse: The Economic Death March Has Come to Town! - "Supply chain disruptions followed by retail disruptions, followed by declining sales, followed by disappearing cash flow, followed by layoffs, followed by business closures, followed by shrinking tax receipts, followed by unserviceable public and private debt, followed by mass bankruptcies, followed by riots, followed by full societal breakdown."
How We Got Here: the Global Economy's 75-Year Stumble to the Precipice - "Not only will there not be a recovery, but there can't be a recovery, as those brittle extremes have been lost for good."
Biden And His Ventriloquists Keep Out-Hawking Trump - "America is a war machine on top of a police state on top of a mass media psyop."
Year Zero in America - "After Donald Trump is deposed, the rulers and their political class will turn on the more radical elements of the left. A watered-down version of socialism will be rolled out to placate the masses now facing a Greater Depression and a final nail in the coffin of a battered middle class."
Unstoppable: The Greatest Depression and the Reverse Wealth Effect - " We are entering The Greatest Depression because there is no exit."
The Week America Lost Its Way - " Tucker Carlson, who has become a modern-day Cassandra, warned us that “[w]hat we are watching is not a political protest; it is the opposite of a political protest. It is an attack on the idea of politics. The rioters you have seen are trying to topple our political system. That system is how we resolve our differences without using violence. But these people want a new system, one that is governed by force: Do what we say or we will hurt you!”"
How The Federal Reserve Unilaterally, De-Facto Amended the US Constitution - "Perhaps its about time for a discussion of who the Fed is, who they serve, and either amend the Constitution to include them...or follow the Constitution and discard them?"
This is a Full Societal Breakdown - "Racial injustice may be today’s rage.  But there’s plenty of other injustices for people to go mad over.  By the dogdays of August, no doubt, when the weekly $600 unemployment checks program has expired, riots will come to a Target near you."
America Descends Into Chaos Amid Nationwide Attacks "Designed To Destabilize Civil Society" - "A perfect storm develops: 40 million unemployed, economy crashed, record polarization and wealth inequality at extremes, the country is quickly descending into chaos into the summer months. So what happens when the government stops unleashing helicopter money for people who recently lost their jobs?"
Re-Opening the Economy Won't Fix What's Broken - "Re-opening a fragile, brittle, bankrupt, hopelessly perverse and corrupt "normal" won't fix what's broken."
Warning: Gloom & Doom >> Why Our Economy May Be Headed for a Decade of Depression - "We are one step away from food riots. There are lines three miles long at food banks. That’s what’s happening in America. You’re telling me everything’s going to become normal in three months? That’s lunacy."
"TINA's Orgy: Anything Goes, Winners Take All  - "So as the greediest and most parasitic few gorge on TINA's orgy, try not to bust a gut laughing at Jay Powell's comedy act justifying the orgy""
THE GLOBAL FOREST FIRE IS HERE - "The transition from a world based on the golden calf and false values will be devastating. But there is no other way to end an era based on fake money and fallacious premises."
Welcome to the First Global Economic Depression of Our Lifetimes - "Maybe starting to use the term “depression” will begin focusing minds in the right direction. And if we play our cards right, maybe we could avoid a “great” depression and just get a middling one instead."
Our Fate Is Sealed, Vaccines Won't Matter: Four Long Cycles Align - "A Covid-19 vaccine, or lack thereof, will have zero effect in terms of reversing these cycles. Call it Fate, call it karma, call it what you will, but the cycles have aligned and nothing can stop the unraveling of all that was foolishly presumed to be permanent."
The Outlines of a Better World Are Emerging - "The outlines of a better world are emerging, an arrangement that prioritizes something more than maximizing private gain and institutionalizing the corruption needed to protect those gains. We will relearn to live within our means, and relearn how to institutionalize opportunity rather than corruption designed to protect elites."
Our Inevitable Collapse: We Can't Save a Fragile Economy With Bailouts That Increase Fragility - "By bailing out the sources of systemic fragility with trillions of dollars, the Fed has shifted the risk to the entire financial system and the nation's currency."
Debt, wealth destruction and lower pay will be coronavirus’ legacy  - "Financial fallout from the health crisis will widen the gap dividing rich and poor "
No, This Is Not Another 1929, 1973, 1987, 2000, or 2008 - "Here are a few of the many consequential differences between all previous recessions and the current situation..."
Turning and Churning - "Times have changed and we’re going to have to get some new good ideas that fit the new times. But, the craziness out there is very likely to start expressing itself differently as we discover the urge to action does not produce the desired result of returning-to-normal. Instead, it produces more disorder in the foundering system, and then the question is: how much disorder do we have to slog through to get to those new ideas suited to the new times?"
What's Collapsing Can't Be Saved: Our Fraudulent Economy - "Pulling the sleeve down to hide the tracks doesn't mean the addict is cured."
Is It Time for a New Direction? - "If Americans are not doing some serious soul-searching in the midst of this crisis, they need to start. Where America goes from here is not some sort of esoteric debate. What we do at this point has life or death consequences. Get it wrong, and suffer more death, suffering, and impoverishment. Get it right, and America moves toward life, health, liberty, peace, prosperity, and harmony."
Welcome to the Greater Depression - "We’ve entered a downturn that is going to be longer, deeper, and different than the unpleasantness of 1929-1946."
We Won’t Be Getting “Back to Normal.” Not Soon. Not Ever. - " If you yearn for the days before COVID-19 swept across the planet, I regret to inform you that those days are gone."
No, Mr. Boomer We’ve Run Out of God Pills - "If we aren’t willing to submit to complete monitoring and tracking of all of our movements then we cannot be a member of your society."
America, We Have To End the Wars Now - "Enough already. It is time to end the war on terrorism and end the rest of the American empire as well."
The COVID World Order Is Coming - "There's no guarantee that everything that was described above will come to pass, but there's certainly a high likelihood that at least some of it will transpire with time, though it'll remain to be seen how sustainable these socio-economic and political changes are and whether or not they can ever be reversed."
Nothing is Working Now: What's Next for America? - "Eventually, the coronavirus depression will subside. But what will America look like when it does?"
Get Ready For Your Lifestyle To Change Indefinitely Because Of This Coronavirus Pandemic - "The more this coronavirus spreads, the more restrictions we will see on human interaction throughout the western world, and that has very serious implications."
You’ll be on your own during the Age of Chaos - Irrelevant Details, by Robert Gore - "If the special class doesn’t kill us all, the Age of Chaos may ultimately offer an opportunity —for those who want to do so and understand what’s required—to live in freedom, peace, and prosperity."
Next Comes The “Turbulent Twenties” - "What this means is that America is now fast drifting toward the Debtberg. It is only a matter of time before the impending collision shatters the faux prosperity and wanton complacency that prevails on both Wall Street and in Washington." - David Stockman
Do We Need the First Amendment? - "Thus, whenever you hear someone lamenting the lack of trust that many Americans today have in the federal government, it might be worth reminding them that the federal government was called into existence under a cloud of mistrust among our American ancestors. And they were right to have that mistrust!"
A Limited-Government Republic versus a National-Security State - "Anyone who lives under a national-security-state governmental system cannot possibly be considered free. Our ancestors understood that principle. Their successors living today have yet to figure that out. Or if they have figured it out, they have chosen to trade liberty for the pretense of safety and security.
They Killed King for the Same Reason They Killed Kennedy - "The loss of both Kennedy and King constituted conclusive confirmation that the worst mistake in U.S. history was to abandon a limited-government republic type of governmental system in favor of a totalitarian governmental structure known as a national-security state. A free nation does not fight communism with communist tactics and an omnipotent government. A free nation fights communism with freedom and limited government."
Democracy and Tyranny -  If we've become a democracy, it would represent a deep betrayal of our founders, who saw democracy as another form of tyranny. In fact, the word democracy appears nowhere in our nation's two most fundamental documents, the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. The founders laid the ground rules for a republic as written in the Constitution's Article IV, Section 4, which guarantees "to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government."
U.K. Police Will Soon be able to Search Through U.S. Data Without Asking a Judge - "In colonial times, the British military used general warrants to search through houses and seize property. This practice was part of what fueled the American Revolution, and formed the basis for the 4th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution."
IKE WAS RIGHT - " As General Eisenhower warned, military spending has engulfed the nation. A trillion annual military budget represents just about half the world’s military expenditures. The Pentagon, which I’ve visited numerous times, is bustling with activity as if the nation was on a permanent war footing."
Capitalism in America: How a Dismal Decimal is Robbing Americans Blind - "In America, as always, the oligarchy has achieved their uncontested power in a hermeneutical feedback loop, where the initial wealth of the superrich has bought them increased political power, which has given them increased riches, which has bought them more political power, and so on, until today, when they own practically the whole economy and the entire government."
Was Marx Right about Capitalism Destroying Itself from Within? - "How many of these dynamics have to play out to collapse the current version of global/monopoly/finance capitalism? We have a ringside seat to the spectacle, and we'll likely know within the next decade."
The War Pigs Are Finally Revealing Themselves - And This Is Just The Beginning... - "The end game for the establishment is for America to self destruct, so that it can be rebuilt into something unrecognizable and eternally monstrous. They want every vestige of our original principles to be erased, and to do that, they need us to be complicit in our own destruction. They need us to participate. Don't participate, and refuse to support new banker wars. Don't be a War Pig."
Come Home, America: Stop Policing The Globe And Put An End To Wars-Without-End - James Madison was right: “No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare.” As Madison explained, “Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes… known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few.”
The Fed Can't Reverse the Decline of Financialization and Globalization - "The prey always seem limitless to the predators, but this illusion expires when suddenly there is no longer enough for the ravenous pack of financial predators. At that point, the predators turn on each other. That is the narrative that will come to the fore in 2020 and play out in the decade ahead."
How Long Will It Take For The US To Collapse? - "What we are witnessing today is the beginning of a new crash, and the final phases of a collapse of our way of life. The economic boom narrative among conservatives is a farce designed to trick us into complacency."
"On the Edge of a Precipice"​ - A Challenging Decade is Upon Us - " If there is a silver lining in all this is that young people are starting to acknowledge the failure and dead-end of the current economic, moral and governance models, and are gradually returning to tradition, family life and communities. Localism, as opposed to globalism, will gain traction."
Forecast 2020 — Whirlin’ and Swirlin’ - "The big question for the year 2020 is simple: can America get its mind right?"
The Destruction of American Liberty - "The terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001, were a watershed event for the United States, not only because of the large death toll and property destruction but, more important, because they spelled the death knell for American liberty."
SEE YOU ON THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOON - "Government halfwits extracting money from my pocket to waste on wars in foreign lands, welfare programs as payoffs for votes, inefficient corrupt infrastructure projects, and tax breaks for mega-corporations so they can buy back their stock and enrich their executives, is not free market capitalism."
Betraying the Constitution: Who Will Protect Us from an Unpatriotic Patriot Act? - " long as government agencies are allowed to make a mockery of the very laws intended to limit their reach, curtail their activities, and guard against the very abuses to which we are being subjected on a daily basis, our individual freedoms will continue to be eviscerated so that the government’s powers can be expanded, the Constitution be damned."
South Carolina Legal Tender Act Would Treat Gold and Silver as Money - " South Carolina could become the fourth state to recognize gold and silver as legal tender. Utah led the way, reestablishing constitutional money in 2011. Wyoming and Oklahoma have since joined."
Tulsi Gabbard: Wake Up and Smell Our $6.4 Trillion Wars - "Tulsi Gabbard is talking about what really matters. The bipartisan War Party has done its best to wreck America and plenty of other nations too. Gabbard is courageously challenging the Democrats in this coalition, who have become complicit in Washington’s criminal wars."
The Real Bombshell of the Impeachment Hearings - "Let that sink in for a moment: Vindman did not witness any crimes, he just didn’t think the elected President of the United States had any right to change US policy toward Ukraine or Russia!"
Restoring Sound Money to America - " The solution to all this monetary mayhem is go further than the Framers did: Separate money and the state entirely, in the same way that our ancestors separated church and state."
The Hollowing Out of America - "America is being hollowed out, but since we don't measure what actually matters, the decline has been deep-sixed by the government and media."
The Socialism of the Federal Reserve - "Over the decades the Fed became a principal way for federal officials to plunder and loot people through monetary debasement and devaluation. Public officials would spend and borrow to finance their ever-burgeoning welfare-warfare programs, knowing that the Fed would cover their debts by essentially printing the money to pay for them. The losers would be the American people, whose money would be constantly devalued over the decades."
Resolving creeping communism - "It is a fact of life that nearly the whole world is now socialistic to a greater or lesser degree. So ingrained is socialist redistribution that no politician can get elected on a mandate to reverse it. But a start can be made by attacking crony capitalism, which is the one justification above all others that persuades ordinary Christian democrats, the useful idiots recruited by Marxist fallacies, to abandon personal freedom in favour of a ruling state."
The So-Called War on Terror Has Killed Over 801,000 People and Cost $6.4 Trillion: New Analysis - " Lutz pointed out that "if you count all parts of the federal budget that are military-related—including the nuclear weapons budget, the budget for fuel for military vehicles and aircraft, funds for veteran care—it makes up two-thirds of the federal budget, and it's inching toward three-quarters.""
STRANGER IN A STRANGE LAND - "Will decent, libertarian minded, freedom loving people arise to guide the country towards a better future? Or will totalitarian minded evil men crush the hopes and dreams of the good people and reign over an even darker period in our history."
US Massacre In Mexico Requires Washington To Act, Here's What Could Happen Next - "As we have been saying here at The Future of Freedom Foundation for 30 years, there is one — and only one — way to get rid of drug cartels, drug gangs, and drug lords. That way is through drug legalization, complete drug legalization. Not just marijuana. All drugs, including cocaine, heroin, meth, and opioids. Ditch them all."
Sentence First, Crime Later? - "A government program to monitor electronic communications to identify potential mass shooters puts all Americans at risk of losing their liberty due to their political views or a few social media posts. All those who value liberty must oppose this dangerous program."
Orwell & Huxley were BOTH right, Roger Waters tells RT - “Orwell and Huxley were always arguing about who had the closest view of what dystopia might look like in the future,”said Waters, adding “I think we got a lot of both.”
Empire and Interventionism vs. Republic and Noninterventionism - "There is but one solution to all this chaos and mayhem  —  the dismantling, not the reform, of the Pentagon, the military-industrial complex, the vast empire of foreign and domestic military bases, and the NSA, along with an immediate end to all foreign interventionism. A free, peaceful, prosperous, and harmonious society necessarily entails the restoration of a limited-government republic and a non-interventionist foreign policy to our land."
Ronald Wright: Can We Still Dodge the Progress Trap? - "Of one thing we can be sure: if we fail to act, nature will do so with the rough justice she has always served on those who are too many and who take too much."
Welcome to the USSR: the United States of Suppression and Repression - "When propaganda is cleverly engineered, people don't even recognize it as propaganda: welcome to the USSR, the United States of Suppression and Repression. The propaganda in the U.S. has reached such a high state that the majority of people accept it as "pravda" (truth), even as their limbic system's BS detector is sensing there is a great disturbance in the Force."
Geopolitical Signals Of Global Economic Crisis Abound - "...if you can trick the enemy into giving up, or thinking just like you do, or even trick him into admiring you, then your enemy becomes your slave without knowing it. No one will replace him, and thus, there are no more opponents to fight you. This is the path to total victory that the globalists most desire."
John Lennon Vs. The Deep State: One Man Against The "Monster" - “If everyone demanded peace instead of another television set, then there’d be peace.”
Secret Court: FBI Warrantless Searches Were Illegal - " A year ago, the U.S.’ surveillance court ruled that the FBI violated Americans’ privacy by broadly sifting through dragnets of intercepted communications."
Democracy Is Now a Hindrance to the Imperial State - " Democracy has always been a "problem" for the Imperial State to manage, but now it is a hindrance to Imperial pretensions and power that is setting up an existential crisis unlike any other in American history."
Is China the Country of the Future? - " The question for America’s statesmen is how to cope with the rising challenge of China while avoiding a war that would be a calamity for all mankind. Patience, prudence and perseverance commend themselves."
The Relentless Road to Recession - "What is different this time than other years when the deficit was this high is that in the other years, we were trying to climb out of the Great Recession. This year was supposed to be the year of plenty, the year of a great America when the Fed’s recovery or the Donald’s economy flew like a balloon over the 4% GDP mark. I’m here to say it is a lead balloon, and its not flying any further. You can deny it because you hate to face facts, but the facts ALL line up. We didn’t get much lift for our trillion-dollar deficit."
This law allows hospitals to kidnap you for profit - "According to the report, the hospital habitually files legal requests to involuntarily hold patients past the 3-day limit… allowing them to hold patients for an additional five days (and charge an extra $7,500 per patient)."
Trump to UN: The Future Does Not Belong to Globalists - "In addition to providing an overview of America’s foreign policy challenges, the president berated China for its unfair trade practices and its violation of obligations made to the people of Hong Kong. He called for the empowerment of women and for the rights of the LGBT community to be protected."
City Shuts Downs Preschoolers’ Farm Stand Citing Zoning Violations - "We should be outraged when young entrepreneurs are prohibited from producing and selling something of value to their neighbors due to restrictive regulations that centralize power and weaken neighborhood dynamism."
Court Shoots Down Cop's Assertion That Driving Without Breaking Any Laws Is 'Suspicious' - "Must be tough out there for cops. Literally everything is suspicious. And there are only so many hours in the day. Since no court is willing to end the tradition of pretextual stops, anything that can be described as suspicious has been used to initiate fishing expeditions."
The Bill of Rights Turns 230, and What Do We Have to Show for It? Nothing Good - " Unless we teach the ideas that make America a miracle of government, it will go away in your kids’ lifetimes, and we will be a fable. You have to find the time and creativity to teach it in schools, and if you don’t, you will lose it. You will lose it to the darkness, and what this country represents is a tiny twinkle of light in a history of oppression and darkness and cruelty. If it lasts for more than our lifetime, for more than our kids’ lifetime, it is only because we put some effort into teaching what it is, the ideas of America: the idea of opportunity, mobility, freedom of thought, freedom of assembly.”" ~ actor-turned-activist Richard Dreyfuss
Look to China to Learn About America - "At home, they see the tyranny as “freedom” and, even worse, express gratitude for it. Unfortunately, all too many Americans reflect the words of Johann Goethe: None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."
9/11 After 18 Years - "In 3 days it will be the 18th anniversary of 9/11.  What have we learned in these 18 years?  We have learned that thousands of experts with hard evidence cannot prevail over a transparent official lie."
War profiteers and the military-industrial complex - "The corrupting effect of political donations is plain to see. If the war profiteers were tackled then the prison profiteers might follow. America might begin to see that violence is not the solution to every problem."
Forget 1984, We’re Facing a Brave New World - "As we become more accustomed to this increasingly-aggregate score being allowed to affect our lives and our freedoms, we will be more willing to follow whatever guidelines are put in place to achieve higher scores, whether that be buying the right things, saying the right things, or even worse – not saying the wrong things."
The Empire Is Coming for Tulsi Gabbard - "Gabbard is now getting the Ron Paul treatment. It will only intensify from here. They will come after her with everything they have."
Things to Come - “American exceptionalism has led to a country that is exceptionally un-self-aware.” — Peter Thiel
The Tyranny Of The Police-State Disguised As Law-And-Order - "Wake up and take a good, hard look around you. Start by recognizing evil and injustice and tyranny for what they are. Stop being apathetic. Stop being neutral. Stop being accomplices. Stop being distracted by the political theater staged by the Deep State: they want you watching the show while they manipulate things behind the scenes. Refuse to play politics with your principles. Don’t settle for the lesser of two evils."
How To Inoculate Yourself From Establishment Bullshit - " All the injustices we’re trained like dogs to see as normal are like this. Corruption. Plutocracy. Wage slavery. The way the homeless are treated. The fact that there are homeless at all. Police militarization. The drug war. Prisons for profit. Government surveillance. Propaganda. All of these things are inherently disgusting, but we lose our accurate sense of disgust because we’ve been tricked into accepting them as normal. So remove the scales from your eyes by creating a new normal for yourself."
We Will Have To Reboot Our Standard of Living To Survive As a Nation - "Downsizing our lives and our wants will be a necessary change if we want to salvage something of our future. We have lived too long in fantasy land and now we must come back to reality. The west line has moved and we will never get back all of the production jobs we once had. We must accept that and accept that our country will be less productive and less prosperous in the future and learn to live within our means."
Once "Prosperity" Falters, the Legitimacy of the Status Quo Evaporates - " All we're doing is waiting for the fake "prosperity" to crumble, and the resulting loss of credibility and legitimacy will follow like night follows day."
A 6th Grader Should Know America’s Foreign Policy Is Ridiculous - "“We the People” have made a colossal mistake. We’ve listened to, and trusted, the wrong people."
A Nation of Free Men or Free Things - "The new Crown is not a person, it is an idea. The throne at whose foot a formerly free people kneel is the golden seat of the welfare state."
George Orwell’s Dystopian Nightmare in China - "Beijing's tyranny over its people is fast becoming more terrifying than anything in Nineteen Eighty-Four."
Mapped: The Territorial Evolution of the U.S. - Some very cool animated maps of the history of American territorial expansion.
China: The Perfect High-Tech Totalitarian State - In China, censorship, now largely automated, has reached "unprecedented levels of accuracy, aided by machine learning and voice and image recognition." — Cate Cadell, Reuters, May 26, 2019
The Drug War Is Totally Idiotic - "There is but one solution to this drug-war idiocy: end drug prohibition, just as previous Americans ended alcohol prohibition after it produced nothing but failure, death, violence, ruination of lives, corruption, and destruction of liberty."
Myths & Misconceptions About Bitcoin (Finally) Debunked - "A ‘MythBusters’ fan? You’ll love this…"
The Normalization and Institutionalization of Fraud - "Normalizing and institutionalizing fraud undermines the foundations of the economy and the financial system. Calling these commoditized frauds business as usual doesn't mean they won't destroy the system from the inside."
Congressman Calls for Banning Bitcoin Because it ‘Takes Power’ from the Corrupt Federal Reserve - "Like Sherman admitted in the video above, the establishment is scared of the blockchain because it gives control—using radical transparency instead of government secrecy—back to the people."
Rand Paul Spotlights Government Waste By Highlighting Study On Sexual Habits Of Quail On Cocaine! [VIDEO] - Go Rand!! ROFL
The Trend is Not Your Friend - "There is already enough tension in the world as it faces not just the end of a global trade fiesta, but a world-wide synchronized economic depression. This is the one from which there will be no “recovery” but only adaptation to lower standards of living and new arrangements for getting by. In other words, the contraction will be permanent."
The World’s Dictatress -  An article citing President JQ Adams's warning about foreign interventions - "It’s all because of what John Quincy Adams observed almost 200 years ago: If the United States were ever to abandon its founding foreign policy of non-interventionism, the federal government would inevitably become the world’s dictatress, and a brutal, ruthless one at that."
Note from USA: The A to Z of the American Police State - "We have moved beyond the era of representative government and entered a new age You can call it the age of authoritarianism. Or fascism. Or oligarchy. Or the American police state."
The CIA Takeover of America in the 1960s Is the Story of Our Times - A Lie Too Big To Fail: The Real History of the Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy, by Lisa Pease - "By writing A Lie Too Big To Fail, Lisa Pease has done her valiant part in refuting the lie that is now failing. Now it is up to all of us to spread the word of truth by focusing on the fundamental facts so we can finally take back our country from the CIA."
William Astore, Ending the Pentagon's Long Con  - "The best course for this country, unimaginable as it might seem today, is to fight wars only as a last resort and when genuinely threatened (a sentiment that 86% of Americans agree with). In other words, the U.S. should end every conflict it’s currently engaged in, while bringing most of its troops home and downsizing its imperial deployments globally."
You Apparently Can't Win A Drug War Without Sexually Abusing Kids And Murdering Parents - "Maybe there really is no clear path to holding the government accountable for the damage done by its war on drugs. All we can do, for the most part, is count the costs: the trillions of dollars and the thousands of lives."
The Triumph of Evil - "How much peace and security did Washington’s overthrow of governments in Iraq, Libya, Ukraine, and the attempted overthrow of Syria bring?  Washington is once again openly violating international law and the rest of the world has nothing to say?  There is only one way to describe this: The Triumph of Evil."
More American Troops to Afghanistan, To Keep the Chinese Out? Lithium and the Battle for Afghanistan’s Mineral Riches - " The unspoken objective of US military presence in Afghanistan is to keep the Chinese out, i.e hinder China from establishing trade and investments relations with Afghanistan."
The World's Hypocritical Silence as China Imprisons its Ethnic Muslims En Masse - " The entire world's ruling elites are silent because they're terrified that even mild murmurings might limit the blood-soaked billions they want to reap from trade with China."
The Japanification of the World - "Zombification / Japanification is not success; it is only the last desperate defense of a failing, brittle status quo by doing more of what's failed. Japan has perfected the art of managing decline while maintaining the illusion that the status quo is solid and permanent."
Where Is The World Headed? — Paul Craig Roberts - " A great promise was betrayed by those trusted with the promise.  A government accountable to law and to the people requires a united people, not the disunity of multiculturalism and Identity Politics."
American Idiocracy: 50 Years Later, We’re Still Stranded in the Twilight Zone  - “We’re developing a new citizenry. One that will be very selective about cereals and automobiles, but won’t be able to think.”—Rod Serling
The new Grand Strategy of the United States - Many people think that the United States is very active, but does not succeed in much. For example, it is said that its wars in the Greater Middle East are a succession of failures. But for Thierry Meyssan, the USA has a coherent military, commercial and diplomatic strategy. According to its own objectives, it advances patiently, and is crowned with success.
While the Nation Fragments Socially, the Financial Aristocracy Rules Unimpeded - "America's aristocracy is not formalized, and that's the secret of its success. The power and control are exercised behind the formal machinery of governance and finance, and this structure protects the aristocracy from scrutiny."
The Green Bad Deal - "... those concerned with protecting the environment should support the free market, along with a legal system that holds private property owners accountable when their actions damage the environment or harm other individuals or their property."
Trump: The Warlord of Economic Savagery - "Mr. Trump may believe he has the authority to wield his economic warfare scepter at will and without thought to the ramifications of his policies, but the world is increasingly learning how to bypass Mr. Trump’s Washington and conduct their international relations without Trump’s foul breath on their necks and shoulders."
Doug Casey on Modern Monetary Theory - " It’s not a question of whether MMT will work or not work. It won’t. It will work about as well as the economic policies of Venezuela and Zimbabwe. Or Argentina, where I am at the moment. These schemes have never worked in all of history. They result in a vastly lower standard of living, along with social strife."
Hollywood’s ‘Captain Marvel’ Blockbuster Is Blatant US Military Propaganda - "The cast and directors of Captain Marvel worked closely with the United States military, relying on US military officers as consultants and advisers, employing dozens of active-duty US soldiers as extras. Several scenes were shot on a US military base. And since its release, the US Department of Defense has promoted the film relentlessly on its website and social media accounts."
The Experiment, by Robert Gore - "How much longer will the middle class politely tolerate its own destruction?"
Modern Monetary Theory Isn’t Helping - "More broadly, we have a private economy driven by exploitation, overwork, asset stripping, and ecological destruction. MMT has little or nothing on offer to fight any of this. The job guarantee is a contribution, though a flawed one, and it’s not at the core of the theory, which proceeds from the keystroke fantasy. That fantasy looks like a weak response to decades of anti-tax mania coming from the Right, which has left many liberals looking for an easy way out. It would be sad to see the socialist left, which looks stronger than it has in decades, fall for this snake oil. It’s a phantasm, a late-imperial fever dream, not a serious economic policy."
Gaslighting America - “Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. It works much better than you may think. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders. It is done slowly, so the victim doesn't realize how much they've been brainwashed.”
The return to a gold exchange standard  - "The effect on the price of gold should be obvious. It is said that foreign students in Berlin in 1923 were able to buy houses with the spare change from their allowances, sent to them by their parents, usually in dollars or pounds. Dollars at that time were as good as gold. Today, a currency board or gold exchange standard would have to be fixed at a rate significantly higher than current fiat-currency prices. Gold is the ultimate protection from theft by currency debasement."
10 Common-Sense Amendments to the U.S. Constitution - "These are my suggested loophole-closing amendments. You undoubtedly have others and / or improved versions of these. Let's put them on the table for debate and discussion."
Is China’s Social Credit System A Preview Of The Coming “Beast System”? - "Here in the United States, Internet censorship has escalated dramatically, but over in China the government is cracking down on a much wider array of online and offline activities."
The Wilsonian Legacy - "In a very real sense, the global democratic crusader, who led us into World War One, never departed this world. President Wilson continues to preside at least in spirit over the making of American foreign policy. As I began by stating, this matrix is not limited to any one side of our conventional political spectrum. It is present throughout."
Washington vs. Lincoln - "Lincoln inherited a federal republic and created a myth of national supremacy. Washington never pretended to be anything but the president of a federal republic.  The chasm between Washington and Lincoln is larger than the reflecting pool or one spot in a historical presidential ranking.  Lincoln has become America and America is worse for it."
Brace for Impact: As credit-asset bubbles pop, the dominoes start falling. - " Sorry, boom-time America: the lifestyle you ordered in now out of stock and we have no indication it will be in stock again within the foreseeable future."
A Lawless Government - "I remember when a suspect was regarded as innocent until proven guilty in a fair trial. Today prosecutors convict their victims in the media in order to make an unbiased jury impossible and thereby coerce a plea bargain that saves the prosecutor from having to prove his case."
FDR’s Worst Perversion of Freedom: The "Four Freedoms" Speech - "Franklin Roosevelt did more than any other modern president to corrupt Americans’ understanding of freedom."
Beto O'Rourke Suggests America Should Ditch The Constitution - " Potential presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke has stunningly suggested that the United States should ditch its own Constitution."
At Taxpayers’ Expense, Fed Paid Banks $38.5 Billion in Interest on “Reserves” in 2018. Here’s How - " Normally, this would be ironic: The Fed doesn’t need to borrow; it creates money when it needs some. So it wouldn’t pay interest. But these are not normal times."
Forecast 2019: Ding Ding ! Margin Call USA - "2018 was the consolidation of bad faith in everything we do: politics, the news media, economics & finance, show biz, regular biz, jurisprudence, medicine, education, and relations between men and women — the year of peak dishonesty and self-deception."
The Psychological Warfare Behind Economic Collapse - "Liberty activists must accept the fact that the plan of the globalists involves the deliberate destruction of our current economy. Those who refuse will find themselves bewildered by the outcome of future financial developments, instead of being prepared. They will find themselves easily subdued, instead of ready to rebel. And they will wonder after it’s all over why they didn’t see it coming when the end game was so obvious."
Why Everything That Needs to Be Fixed Remains Permanently Broken - "You see the problem: making rich people richer doesn't actually fix what's broken, it only makes the problems worse. So why can't we fix what's broken?"
America Has a “Neo-feudal” System - "his marriage of state power to create credit and its monopoly on force with private-sector financial power is the core relation of neo-feudalism. The only possible output of this structure is a mass of powerless debt-serfs enriching the New Nobility, who are slavishly served by a class of “liberal” technocrats and managers tasked with promoting pantomimes passing as “the real thing.”"
Why The Senate Vote to End Yemen War is So Important - Written by Ron Paul - " Participating in this war against one of the world’s poorest countries is far from upholding “American values.” We should applaud and support the coalition in the Senate that voted to end the war. They should know how much we appreciate their efforts."
The Coming Bankruptcy of the American Empire - " Better to bring the troops home on our terms than wait for a debt crisis to do it for us."
Trump Foreign Policy: Doing the Same Thing and Expecting a Different Result - " Well here’s some unsolicited advice to the president: Listen to the people who elected you, who are tired of the US as the world’s police force. Let Ukraine and Russia work out their own problems. Give all your “experts” a pink slip and start over with a real pro-American foreign policy: non-interventionism."
Debt, Death, and the US Empire - " The day of reckoning, however, appears to be fast approaching and instead of a defeat on the field of battle, the US Empire will collapse under a mountain of debt.  It would be more than fitting that such a scenario should play itself out which would thus begin the very necessary retribution process that may, at least in a small sense, compensate those who have suffered and died from America’s murderous foreign policy."
America Needs a New National Strategy - "A productive national Strategy would systemically decentralize power and capital rather than concentrate both in the hands of a self-serving elite."
MAD WORLD - "I will not adapt myself to a sick society where vices are considered virtues, lies are considered truth, feeling overrides thinking, fiction passes for fact, enemies are created to instill fear, and insanity is considered sane. It’s a mad mad world, but I choose not be overcome by the madness. What is your choice?"
Brazil’s New President Openly Threatens Genocide of Indigenous Amazonians - “Minorities have to adapt to the majority, or simply disappear,” he said on the campaign trail, adding that under his administration, “not one square centimeter” of Brazil will be reserved for the country’s indigenous peoples.
US Mass Shootings: Gun Issue, Mental Health Issue… War Issue? - "Surely access to firearms is a factor, but other countries like Switzerland have similarly liberal gun laws without anything like the level of violence seen in the US. Surely mental health is a factor as well, but neither mental health problems nor lack of healthcare is a problem unique to the US. There is nothing like the mass shooting epidemic in the United States anywhere else in the world, nor indeed anywhere else in recorded history."
Jim Kunstler Warns "We've Not Yet Seen How Insane A Society Can Become Under Duress" - " We have not nearly seen the end of how insane a society can become under duress. And the duress of living in a collapsing industrial economy is something that the world has hardly seen before. Why do you think so many people are opiating themselves into an early grave?"
Whitehead: America Is On The Brink Of A Nervous Breakdown - “As nightfall does not come at once, neither does oppression. In both instances, there is a twilight when everything remains seemingly unchanged. And it is in such twilight that we all must be most aware of change in the air – however slight – lest we become unwitting victims of the darkness.” - Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas
America's Social Depression Is Accelerating - "We need ways to express our resentment, anger, despair, etc. that are directed at the source, the complex system we inhabit, not "the other." We need to value honesty above optimism. Once we can speak honestly, there is a foundation for optimism."
Has America Become a Dictatorship Disguised as a Democracy? - "Stop allowing yourselves to be easily distracted by pointless political spectacles and pay attention to what’s really going on in the country."
Ochlocracy - By Paul H. Yarbrough - "A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine." ~ Thomas Jefferson
First They Came for Alex Jones — We Told You We Were Next — We Were - " Social media giants launched a massive purge of independent media on Thursday effectively wiping out hundreds of liberty-minded pages."
The Only Way Donald Trump Can Truly Put America First 9 (Fire The Generals) - "If the last two decades have taught the American people anything, conflict anywhere in the world is by no means a threat to peace everywhere. We must reorder our priorities if America’s national interests are going to be advanced"
The U.S. Is “Morphing” Into The U.S.S.A. – The United States of Soviet America - "Just take a long look at Diane Feinstein, at Lisa Murkowski, at Schumer, Soros, Zuckerberg….just look at them and then ask yourself how you could doubt that they will all make the attempt. What attempt? The attempt to make the U.S. into an American version of the U.S.S.R. They are fighting that fight incrementally, and they are winning it."
Gimme Some Truth: John Lennon Tells It Like It Is by John Whitehead - " For the moment, the choice is still ours: slavery or freedom, war or peace, death or life."
Ron Paul Warns A 50% Stock Market Decline Is Coming...And There's No Way To Stop It - ""It can be pretty well validated by looking at monetary history that when you inflate the currency, distort interest rates and live beyond your means and spend too much, there has to be an adjustment," he said."
Suspending the Constitution: In America Today, the Government Does Whatever It Wants - "Thus, in the so-called named of national security, the Constitution has been steadily chipped away at, undermined, eroded, whittled down, and generally discarded to such an extent that what we are left with today is but a shadow of the robust document adopted more than two centuries ago."
Creating a Suspect Society: The Scary Side of the Technological Police State - "Once again, technology has outdistanced both our understanding of it and our ability to adequately manage the consequences of unleashing it on an unsuspecting populace."
Neera Tanden And Bill Kristol Unite To Say That Populism Undermines Democracy - "America’s two mainstream political parties agree furiously with one another on war, neoliberalism, Orwellian surveillance, and every other agenda which increases the power and profit of the plutocratic class which owns them both."
Here’s How China’s ‘Social Credit Score’ Punish And Reward Citizens, And It’s Terrifying - "George Orwell’s 1984, Black Mirror S03E01, Psycho Pass, The Orville and many others have all theorised how technology can make our lives better… or worse.  The future is now."
Three Phases of Surveillance to Totalitarianism: It is Happening Now - "The objective is total control: over everything you read, hear, and watch in the (so-called) media, and an eyeball on you in every facet of your life."
Why the anti-fascist, anti-racist themes of ‘The Twilight Zone’ are more relevant today than ever - “The tools of conquest do not necessarily come with bombs and explosions and fallout,” says narrator Rod Serling in the closing epilogue. “There are weapons that are simply thoughts, attitudes, prejudices, to be found only in the minds of men. For the record, prejudices can kill, and suspicion can destroy.”
The Ritual Burial of the US Constitution - "And before you feel any wishes and desires coming up to impeach Trump, do realize that he may be the only person standing between you and a complete takeover of America by the FBI/NSA/CIA/DNC and Google/Facebook/Twitter, which will be accompanied by the ritual burial of the Constitution."
As Gov’t Reminds You to ‘Never Forget’ Here are 5 Hard 9/11 Facts They Want You to Forget Right Now - "As your social media news feeds begin filling up with patriotic memes reminding you to pledge your unwavering support for the warfare state, share this article to show what it means to be a real “patriot” — a person who’s not scared to stand up for the truth, even when the truth is unpopular."
10 YEARS LATER – NO LESSONS LEARNED - "This month marks the 10th anniversary of the Wall Street/Fed/Treasury created financial disaster of 2008/2009. What should have happened was an orderly liquidation of the criminal Wall Street banks who committed the greatest control fraud in world history and the disposition of their good assets to non-criminal banks who did not recklessly leverage their assets by 30 to 1, while fraudulently issuing worthless loans to deadbeats and criminals. But we know that did not happen."
The Global Financial System Is Unraveling, And No, the U.S. Is Not immune - "The fact that so many currencies are melting down at the same time is telling us the global financial system is unraveling, and unraveling fast."
The Uncomfortable Hiatus - "Some kind of epic national restructuring is in the works. It will either happen consciously and deliberately or it will be forced on us by circumstance. One side wants to magically reenact the 1950s; the other wants a Gnostic transhuman utopia. Neither of these is a plausible outcome."
10 Numbers That Prove That America’s Current Financial Condition Is A Horror Show - "We desperately need to return to the values and principles that this nation was founded upon, but until things start getting really, really bad it is highly unlikely that the American people will be ready to embrace those changes."
Government’s Own Report Shows Tax Dollars Spent in Afghanistan Have Boosted Opium Production - "As the longest war in United States history approaches yet another anniversary, the U.S. is being forced to admit that after pouring billions of dollars into “counternarcotics efforts” in Afghanistan, the result has been an overwhelming increase in opium production."
How the Coming Global State is Being Reached - "Oligarchs in all nations have sold their countries out in favor of an “Elysium” style society on earth, a “1984,” where laws are inflicted upon the peoples as their leaders violate every one of them. A global society where the only words for a citizen are conformity, obedience, and productivity: a planetary “Gulag” broken down into several regions for administrative purposes and where each region is mutually self-supportive."
The Number Of Americans Living In Their Vehicles “Explodes” As The Middle Class Continues To Disappear - If the U.S. economy is really doing so well, then why is homelessness rising so rapidly?
America’s middle class is slowly being ‘wiped out’ - " It’s 30% more expensive to be middle class than it was 20 years ago, according to a new book."
Steve Bannon's Done - But It’s Way Too Late - "The real problem, in fact, was not the evil flowing into the American homeland from abroad—whether imports, illegals or terrorists. Rather, it was the outward flow of Washington’s monetary and military imperialism that was gutting capitalist prosperity domestically and generating terrorist blowback abroad."
The USA Is Now a 3rd World Nation - " Here are the core characteristics of dysfunctional but stable states that benefit the entrenched few at the expense of the many, i.e. 3rd World nations..."
Our Plastic Patriotism - " I just can’t be patriotic, when that term has been co-opted into being an unthinking supporter of the state. A state which is thoroughly and hopelessly corrupt. A real American patriot supports the ideals of human liberty and unalienable rights."
Police State in Slo-Mo - "Historically, the end-product is always the same. The final acceptance that you’ve waited too long to leave the increasingly oppressive country—and that you’ve been successfully locked in."
American Pravda: The JFK Assassination, Part I - What Happened? - "I read this as a deep apology by America’s national newspaper of record. President John F. Kennedy was indeed killed by a conspiracy, and we are sorry we spent more than a half century suppressing that truth and ridiculing those who uncovered it."
"If Only We'd Listened To Ike..." - Inside The Deep State - "Since Eisenhower’s time several other over "Industrial Complexes" have followed the MIC example and taken control of our government to suit their needs as well. Their objective is to buy out politicians in order to control the purse strings of Congress and they have been highly successful."
The Salvador Option: The US Is Once Again Supporting Death Squads in Central America - "It now appears that the “Salvador option” has made its way back home from halfway around the world, further terrorizing guilty and innocent alike in what was already one of the most frightful corners of the planet."
America’s Incredible Shrinking Influence - by Ron Paul.  "While I am slightly surprised at this development, as a libertarian and a non-interventionist I welcome the growing irrelevance of Washington’s interventionists."
The Rutherford Institute A Blueprint for Resistance: Jesus Christ vs. the Police State - "Telling Americans to march in lockstep and blindly obey the government—or put their faith in politics and vote for a political savior—flies in the face of everything for which Jesus lived and died."
When 43% of Americans Can’t Pay for Food and Rent, We Can Safely Say the Economic Collapse Is HERE  - " It’s only by reducing your need for the things sold in stores that you can exempt yourself from the chaos and desperation that will erupt when everyone realizes that an economic collapse has occurred."
Drug Companies Want to Use the State to Shut Down the Competition - I cannot imagine a better example of CRONY Capitalism vs FREE MARKET Capitalism.
The Attorney General Thinks Police Having To Follow The Constitution Leads To Violent Crime Increases - "Attorney General Jeff Sessions is an old-school law and order man. He wants asset forfeiture returned to its former glory -- no longer questioned by all and sundry for its ability to enrich law enforcement agencies without making much of a dent in criminal activity."
Rand Paul: Congress Moves to Give the President Unlimited War Powers - " Handing war-making power from Congress to the executive branch is not an exercise in congressional power. It is the final and full abandonment of that power. It is wrong, it is unconstitutional, and it should be stopped."
GOLDILOCKS IS DEAD - "Those in power are unwilling or unable to voluntarily renounce further credit expansion. They have laced Goldilock’s porridge with arsenic and it is just a matter of time until she’s dead. A depression is in our future, no matter what actions are taken at this point. Keep calm and prepare yourself."
Shouldn’t the United States Return to Its Constitution? - "The Constitution (article VI, clause 3) requires that senators and representatives “be bound by oath or affirmation, to support this Constitution.” Do they?"
Recipe Concocted for Perpetual War is a Bitter One - Perpetual war is leading to a host of societal ills, yet debates on war and peace are almost entirely absent from public discourse, Robert Wing and Coleen Rowley observe.
Happy Landings - "A black hole is opening up in some sub-basement of a tower on Wall Street, and it will suck the remaining value from this asset-stripped nation into the vacuum of history like so much silage."
Trump Isn’t Another Hitler. He’s Another Obama - "America has two corporatist war parties who serve a plutocratic class of elites; one of them wears a cowboy hat, the other has pink hair. That’s it."
What Has QE Wrought? - Many of the central planners in charge reassure us that the concern for a dangerous bubble existing is completely unfounded since the CPI is barely rising. Two points: 1) The CPI is rising faster than they will admit and 2) The CPI is not the tell-tale sign of a serious bubble forming. Many other bubbles and dislocations can exist as a consequence of creating trillions of dollars out of thin air. And there are quite a few.
A Tale of Two Americas: Where the Rich Get Richer and the Poor Go to Jail - "On January 26, 2014, Sharnalle Mitchell was with her children in Montgomery, Alabama when police showed up at her home to arrest her. Mitchell was not accused of a crime. Instead, the police came to her home because she had not fully paid a traffic ticket from 2010. The single mother was handcuffed in front of her children (aged one and four) and taken to jail. She was ordered to either pay $2,800 or sit her debt out in jail at a rate of fifty dollars a day for fifty-nine days. Unable to pay, Mitchell wrote out the numbers one to fifty-eight on the back of her court documents and began counting days."
Fascism: The American Way of Life - "The United States of America, regardless of the misguided belief by the masses that this is the land of the free, is undeniably by strict political definition, a Fascist oligarchy."
Doug Casey on Anarchy and Voluntaryism - "America was once unique among the world’s countries. Unfortunately that’s no longer the case. The idea is still unique, but the country no longer is.
The U.S. is Not a Democracy, It Never Was - If we are astute and perspicacious enough to recognize that the U.S. is undemocratic today, let us not be so indolent or ill-informed that we let ourselves be lulled to sleep by lullabies praising its halcyon past. Indeed, if the United States is not a democracy today, it is in large part due to the fact that it never was one.
The Fading Scent of the American Dream - "Whatever you think of Trump, his election isn't the problem; it's merely a symptom of much deeper forces that will sweep our corrupt and rotten-to-the-core status quo into the dustbin of history."
The End of Empire - "The empire will collapse and the nation will consume itself within our lifetimes if we do not wrest power from those who rule the corporate state."
Mass Shootings: The Military-Entertainment Complex’s Culture of Violence Turns Deadly - "You want to stop the gun violence?  Stop the worship of violence that permeates our culture."
Court Strips Immunity From Sheriff's Office That Raided Hobby Gardener's Home Over Tea Leaves - "There was no probable cause at any step of the investigation. Not at the garden shop, not at the gathering of the tea leaves, and certainly not at the analytical stage when the officers willfully ignored directions to submit any presumed results to a laboratory for analysis. Full stop."
How Prison Labor is the New American Slavery and Most of Us Unknowingly Support It - "American slavery was technically abolished in 1865, but a loophole in the 13th Amendment has allowed it to continue “as a punishment for crimes” well into the 21st century. Not surprisingly, corporations have lobbied for a broader and broader definition of “crime” in the last 150 years. As a result, there are more (mostly dark-skinned) people performing mandatory, essentially unpaid, hard labor in America today than there were in 1830."
Innocent Man Sentenced to Prison for Standing on a Sidewalk, Informing People of Their Rights - "Keith Wood is innocent. He was merely attempting to educate his neighbors about their rights on a jury, which should be protected free speech."
Brave Police Save Town From Man Selling Veggies - "If the police would focus on solving the millions of rapes which they never investigate, or perhaps the 39% of murders that never get cleared, maybe their Facebook pages wouldn’t be bombarded by angry citizens as often."
JFK at 100 - by Paul Craig Roberts - "The assassination of President Kennedy was an enormous cost to the world. Kennedy and Khrushchev would have followed up their collaboration in defusing the Cuban Missile Crisis by ending the Cold War long before the military/security complex achieved its iron grip on the US government."
Are We Fighting Terrorism, Or Creating More Terrorism? - by Ron Paul - "They do not hate us because we are rich and free. They hate us because we are over there, bombing them. "
The Lessons of Sgt. Pepper’s 50 Years Later: Stop Fighting One Another and Focus on the Real Enemy - " The answer to oppression, injustice and tyranny is the same today as it was 50 years ago: if you want freedom, you have to begin by freeing your mind. That will mean rejecting violence, politics and anything that divides."
Prisons of Pleasure or Pain: Huxley’s “Brave New World” vs. Orwell’s “1984” - A really good comparison of 1984 and Brave New World with what is happening in the world today.
Beware the Dogs of War: Is the American Empire on the Verge of Collapse? - "Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes… known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few.… No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare." — James Madison
3 Reasons Trump Is Wrong to Oppose Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform - "Civil asset forfeiture reform is an idea that's time has come, in Texas and elsewhere, whether Donald Trump is ready or not."
The Path to Total Dictatorship: America's Shadow Government and Its Silent Coup - " long as government officials—elected and unelected alike—are allowed to operate beyond the reach of the Constitution, the courts and the citizenry, the threat to our freedoms remains undiminished."
China facing full-blown banking crisis, world's top financial watchdog warns - "The Bank for International Settlements warned in its quarterly report that China’s "credit to GDP gap" has reached 30.1, the highest to date and in a different league altogether from any other major country tracked by the institution."
How To Survive In These United States of Scamerica - "Don’t forget, this is the same government telling you freedom isn’t free and the same banks loaning/printing/conjuring/manifesting the government the money to buy the weapons to make freedom expensive. “Free money! Ask about our home loans!” A scam. “Terrorists are threatening our freedom!” A scam. “We live in the greatest nation on Earth!” A scam. Always assume it’s a scam and you can’t go wrong."
Drug War is Crumbling: Town Converts Prison into Cannabis Grow Facility - "Momentum is growing around the country to stop filling jails with non-violent drug offenders. One measure of progress would be more jails becoming empty. What an inspiring trend it would be to turn these places of state-sanctioned misery into grow centers for a miraculous therapeutic plant."
Former Bush Official Just Confirmed That Our Wars Are for Corporate Interests - “In many respects,” Wilkerson continued, “it is now private interests that benefit most from our use of military force. Whether it’s private security contractors, that are still all over Iraq or Afghanistan, or it’s the bigger-known defense contractors, like the number one in the world, Lockheed Martin.”
Surprise! NSA data will soon routinely be used for domestic policing that has nothing to do with terrorism - "It’s all another sobering reminder that any powers we grant to the federal government for the purpose of national security will inevitably be used just about everywhere else."
FBI Orders Teachers To Report Students Who Question Government - New federal guidelines have just been introduced across the country, and what they mandate is quite disturbing to civil libertarians. The FBI has now instructed high schools across the nation to report students who in any way criticize government policies and what the report phrases as “western corruption.”
The Big Short - A movie I highly recommend about the events leading up to the collapse of the financial system in 2007-2008.  Entertainining as well as informative.  "Four denizens in the world of high-finance predict the credit and housing bubble collapse of the mid-2000s, and decide to take on the big banks for their greed and lack of foresight."
5 Minute Speech that Got Judge Napolitano Fired from Fox News [Youtube Video] - Well worth a watch.  I wish more people of his notoriety, prestige and background had the guts to speak out like this.
The Constitution, the President and Guns - by Andrew Napolitano - "Under the Constitution, fundamental liberties (speech, a free press, worship, self-defense, travel and privacy, to name a few) are accorded the highest protection from governmental intrusion. One can only lose a fundamental right by intentionally giving it up or via due process (a jury trial resulting in a conviction for criminal behavior)."
Princeton Study Says U.S. No Longer An Actual Democracy - "Researchers Martin Gilens along with Benjamin I. Page concluded that over the past few decades in particular, the U.S. political system has gradually changed in a way that has warped the Democratic Republic into a nearly pure oligarchy, where the elite 1% rule with almost total influence and control over the government and even police state apparatus. "
"The War On Terror Is Creating More Terror" - by Ron Paul - "The interventionists will do anything to prevent Americans from seeing that their foreign policies are perpetuating terrorism and inspiring others to seek to harm us."
58 Facts About The U.S. Economy From 2015 That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe - "Anyone that believes that everything is “perfectly fine” and that we are going to come out of this “stronger than ever” is just being delusional."
The Road to Galactic Serfdom - "In America we have the blessed freedom to select our flavor of dictator. We can choose where we want the coming totalitarianism to begin before spreading everywhere else: total war, a total police state, or total economic planning. “I love democracy! I love the Republic!”
Terrorism: Face the Facts or Face World War III - By Gerald Celente - "If the causes and effects of foreign policy – doing to others as you would have them do to you – are not truthfully examined, the War on Terror will escalate into World War III."
Blowback—–The Washington War Party’s Folly Comes Home To Roost - "Exactly 26 years ago last week, peace was breaking out in a manner that the world had not experienced since June 1914. The Berlin Wall—-the symbol of a century of state tyranny, grotesque mass warfare and the nuclear sword of Damocles hanging over the planet—-had come tumbling down on November 9, 1989."
Forget the New World Order, Here’s Who Really Runs the World - “It is a hybrid of national security and law enforcement agencies: the Department of Defense, the Department of State, the Department of Homeland Security, the Central Intelligence Agency and the Justice Department. I also include the Department of the Treasury because of its jurisdiction over financial flows, its enforcement of international sanctions and its organic symbiosis with Wall Street.”
FOURTH TURNING: CRISIS OF TRUST - "What comes next will be heavily dependent upon whether the 5% to 10% of liberty minded believers in the Constitution are able to gain the trust of the masses. The odds will be long, but no longer than they were during that bitter winter at Valley Forge in 1777-1778."
Six Decades of the "Condor": Washington's "Counter-insurgency" Strategy Goes Domestic - By William Norman Grigg - "Under the legal regime proposed by attorney and law professor William C. Bradford, who until recently was an instructor at West Point, lawyers and legal scholars who criticize or impede the Regime’s endless “war on terror” could be designated “fifth columnists” and “enemy combatants” subject to indefinite detention or summary execution."
Lies the Government Is Telling You - By Andrew P. Napolitano - "How dangerous this is. The Constitution is the supreme law of the land. It applies in good times and in bad, in war and in peace. It regulates the governed and the governors. Yet if the government that it regulates can change it by ordinary legislation, then it is not a constitution but a charade."
Neither Freedom nor Safety - By Andrew P. Napolitano - "In their continuous efforts to create the impression that the government is doing something to keep Americans safe, politicians in Washington have misled and lied to the public."
Ecuador May Become First Country In Western Hemisphere To Legalize All Drugs - (It's the only way to stop the violence) - "Legislation was recently introduced in Ecuador, which would make it the second country in the world and the first in the western hemisphere to legalize all drugs, from marijuana to cocaine and even heroin."
Texas Senate Passes Bill to Establish Bullion Depository, Help Facilitate Transactions in Gold and Silver - "Professor William Greene is an expert on constitutional tender and said when people in multiple states actually start using gold and silver instead of Federal Reserve Notes, it would effectively nullify the Federal Reserve and end the federal government’s monopoly on money."
DEA Steals Cash From Innocent Black Man Who They Claim ‘Must Be A Drug Dealer’ - "They found no drugs on him whatsoever. They never saw him selling drugs or committing a crime of any sort. But the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) claims that they are “certain” that 22-year-old Joseph Rivers is a “drug dealer.”  What makes them so sure?  When the young African American man set out to make a music video in Hollywood, after scraping together the funds, the Michigan native had the $16,000 for the shoot on him.  That’s it. Nothing else. Having the money for this video on him, as he traveled from Michigan to Los Angeles was sufficient “evidence” that he was a drug dealer, even though no drugs were found on him, and even though there was no link made between him and any criminal element."
Restore the Fourth - By Andrew P. Napolitano - "Without the rule of law, we are subject to the rule of whoever runs the government, and our rights become licenses to be granted or denied by whoever runs the government. In that world, who or what would restrain the government? An unrestrained government is what we fought the American Revolution against."
Jade Helm: A Military Takeover? - Ron Paul interview - Why are US special forces holding a massive exercise in the US southwest this summer? Is it something civil libertarians should be worried about?
Not Your Grandfather’s FBI - By Andrew P. Napolitano - Will FBI agents who lie, cheat, break the law and testify falsely be brought to justice? Will their superiors who condone this be made to answer? Does the FBI work for us, or do we work for it?
The New Militarism: Who Profits? - by Ron Paul - "The elites are terrified that peace may finally break out, which will be bad for their profits. That is why they are trying to scuttle the Iran deal, nix the Cuba thaw, and drum up a new “Red Scare” coming from Moscow. We must not be fooled into believing their lies."
Amendment by Consent - By Andrew P. Napolitano - "...nothing will destroy our personal liberties more effectively than the government refusing to honor them and Americans sheepishly accepting that."
Torture and All of the Other War On Terror Excesses Have Come Home - "Torture isn’t just putting Americans in harm’s way abroad. It’s also going to come home to haunt us."
The Prison State of America - "Prisons are not, finally, about race, although poor people of color suffer the most. They are not even about being poor. They are prototypes for the future. They are emblematic of the disempowerment and exploitation that corporations seek to inflict on all workers. If corporate power continues to disembowel the country, if it is not impeded by mass protests and revolt, life outside prison will soon resemble life in prison."
Defeat of USA FREEDOM Act is a Victory for Freedom - Written by Ron Paul - "The truth is, Americans should not accept one more extension of the PATRIOT Act and should not endorse its continued dismemberment of our constitutional liberties."
Scorecard: How Many Rights Have Americans REALLY Lost? - "This post explains the liberties guaranteed in the Bill of Rights – the first 10 amendments to the United States Constitution – and provides a scorecard on the extent of the loss of each right."
15 Signs That We Live During A Time Of Rampant Government Paranoia - "The American people are told that the emerging Big Brother police state is for our safety, but the truth is that it isn’t there to protect us.  It is there to protect them.  Our government has become kind of like a crazy rich uncle that is constantly spying on everyone else in the family because he believes that they are “out to get him”.  The following are 15 signs that we live during a time of rampant government paranoia…"
An Unhappy Summer for Liberty - By Andrew P. Napolitano - "In 1949, when he wrote “1984,” Orwell predicted all this, including the secret torture, the perpetual warfare, the continuous spying and the fear of the government. His predictions were right on the mark — he was only mistaken by 30 years."
Ferguson: The War Comes Home - by Ron Paul - ",,,Congress will not restore constitutional government on its own; the American people must demand that Congress stop facilitating the growth of an authoritarian police state that threatens their liberty. "
10 George Orwell Quotes that Predicted Life in 2014 America - "Once the people are indoctrinated with nationalistic beliefs, and the infrastructure to protect them from some constantly-changing and ever-expanding definition of an enemy is in place, there is no ability for the people to regain liberty."
Give Up Your Police State Or Live Under It - "As more and more people of all varieties find themselves or someone they love terrorized or worse by one of the 124 violent SWAT raids that now occur in America every day, we would do well to remember that the SWAT team also originated in 1967, established by Daryl Gates at the LAPD, and its first use was against black political dissidents."
The Economics of Police Militarism - By Sarah Stillman - “We have people who have warrants because of traffic tickets and are effectively imprisoned in their homes,” Malik Ahmed, the C.E.O. of an organization called Better Family Life, told Cobb. “They can’t go outside because they’ll be arrested. In some cases, people actually have jobs but decide that the threat of arrest makes it not worth trying to commute outside their neighborhood.”
Who’s Funding the Anti-Marijuana Movement? Private Prisons, Prison Guards, Police and Alcohol, Beer and Pharmaceutical Companies - "Some of the most lucrative and powerful industries in America oppose marijuana decriminalization because it threatens their financial bottom-line or jobs for their workers."
The Stealing of America by the Cops, the Courts, the Corporations and Congress - "We’re operating in a topsy-turvy Sherwood Forest where instead of Robin Hood and his merry band of thieves stealing from the rich to feed the poor, you’ve got the government and its merry band of corporate thieves stealing from the poor to fatten the wallets of the rich."
What I Don’t Like About Life in the American Police State - ""I don’t like being treated as if my only value to the government is as a source of labor and funds. I don’t like being viewed as a consumer and bits of data. I don’t like being spied on and treated as if I have no right to privacy."
What Is social justice? Economist Walter Williams has an answer. - "I keep what I earn, and you keep what you earn. If you believe that you deserve some of what I earn, please explain why."
Chicago PD Believes It Can See The Future, Starts Warning Citizens About Crimes They Might Commit - "It might just be time for a re-watch of Terry Gilliam's Brazil with an eye on reminding ourselves what a simple clerical error can do to the Archibald Buttles of the world."
Noam Chomsky: A Surveillance State Beyond Imagination Is Being Created in One of the World's Freest Countries - A White House lawyer seems determined to demolish our civil liberties.
Predictive Policing Is Not Like 'Minority Report' — It's Worse - "The result is a police practice that essentially keeps whole locales and minority groups in everyday opposition to law enforcement. If predictive policing were effective in ending crime, things would look differently."
‘Sneak & peek’ warrants allow police to secretly enter homes without notice - Covert tactics have become legally accepted and increasingly popular.
The Glories of America’s Wars: “Made in Hollywood” by the Pentagon’s Propaganda Machine - "Using mind control methods for decades to mesmerize, desensitize, brainwash and blind young Americans to the savagery of war and violence by glorifying it through Hollywood propaganda films, the US government has been effectively manipulating multiple generations to do its dirty bloody bidding as sacrificial lambs at the geopolitical Masonic altar where no one wins but the bloodthirsty 1% war profiteering vampires who have been getting away with bloody murder for centuries."
We The Problem - "We, the people, must reject the false paradigms offered as easy panaceas by our leaders. Gun Control, Ubiquitous Surveillance, and free speech zones are snake oil, meant to poison and distract the people all the while we are tied down by oppressive laws and fatal memes that security only comes through slavery."
A Matter of Principle: The True Aims of the Terror War - "The Terror War -- and the concomitant degradation of society and individual lives -- shows in stark relief that the system is producing exactly what it aims to produce: death, despair -- and record-breaking profits."
If We Refuse to Be Terrorized, We Win and the Terrorists Lose - "Courage is contagious … and every single one of us has a huge reserve of courage just waiting for us to tap.  When we tap into our inner strength, we beat the terrorists … whether they’re sitting in a cave on the other side of the world or in Washington."
Chomsky: Obama ‘Determined To Demolish The Foundations Of Our Civil Liberties’ - "Progressive hero Noam Chomsky is terrified of the surveillance state that has developed during the tenure of President Barack Obama"
Obama Administration Spent a Fortune Monitoring Occupy Protests, including Flash Mobs and Yoga Classes - "The documents show monitoring in 2011 and 2012 by law enforcement agencies around the country, reporting on religious meetings, Christmas caroling and other events."
Why Are Russia and China (and Iran) Paramount Enemies for the US Ruling Elite? - "Does it not seem strange that, with the Cold War long over, the Paramount Enemies of the United States remain Russia and China?"
If You Are Doing Nothing Wrong You Have PLENTY to Fear – 30 Examples - “They can spy on me all they want. I am not doing anything wrong.”
They sang this song in Germany in 1933. And they sang it with unprecedented gusto in the months following 9/11, all in the name of  “security” and “keeping us safe”.
90% of All Deaths In War Are CIVILIANS - "Not only is war bad for civilians, it is also bad for the economy and makes us poor.  The oligarchs are the only ones who benefit."
The Fed's $16 Trillion Bailouts Under-Reported - "The findings verify that over $16 trillion was allocated to corporations and banks internationally, purportedly for “financial assistance” during and after the 2008 fiscal crisis."
Will Detroit Be The First Major Chinese City In The United States? - " Chinese company known as "Sino-Michigan Properties LLC" actually had plans to buy 200 acres of land near the little town of Milan, Michigan and turn it into a "China City" with artificial lakes, a Chinese cultural center and hundreds of housing units for Chinese citizens."
5 Nobel Prize Winning Economists and Several World Leaders: End the War On Drugs - "It’s Become Obvious to Everyone that the War On Drugs Is a Failure"
17 Facts To Show To Anyone That Believes That The U.S. Economy Is Just Fine - "None of the long-term trends that are systematically destroying our economy have been addressed, and none of our major economic problems have been fixed."
Shocking Facts About The Deindustrialization Of America That Everyone Should Know - "In the end, the rest of the nation is going to suffer the same fate as Detroit unless Americans are willing to stand up and fight for their economy while they still can."
Executive Order Tyranny - By Andrew P. Napolitano
Washington: The Illusion of Government - The Media: The Illusion of Coverage - by Fred Reed
Cops Reportedly Beat Up Deaf Man For Not Following Orders That He Couldn’t Hear - 64-year-old Pearl Pearson, a deaf man, was left with bloody eyes after Oklahoma Highway Patrol officers repeatedly punched him in the face.
Things cannot be dumbed down any further, warn experts - How long until the Rock becomes too pretentious for mainstream audiences?
53 Years To The Day That Eisenhower Warned Of The Military-Industrial Complex, Obama Will Further Its Cause - Fifty three years ago today, President Dwight Eisenhower gave his famous speech warning of the military-industrial complex.
Federal Reserve Steals From the Poor and Gives to the Rich - By Ron Paul
A Conspiracy So Vast
 - By the government against its victims. Article by Andrew Napolitano.
McDonald's Tells Employees To Consider Returning Holiday Gifts To Get Out Of Debt - This ranks right up there with Walmart asking their employees to contribute to a fund to help out other employees who can't afford Thanksgiving dinner.
One Lawmaker Is Literally Smashing The Belongings Of The Homeless With A Sledgehammer - "There is a war on compassion in America today."
Over 3,000 US prisoners serving life without parole for non-violent crimes - ACLU report chronicles thousands of lives ruined by life sentences for crimes such as shoplifting or possession of a crack pipe
Born Libertarian: Doug Casey on Ron Paul and the Price of Freedom
2.3 Million Americans Rot in Prison -- Meet the Corporations Exploiting Them for Profit - The prison industry is more lucrative than you think.
Top 10 Questions Ron Paul Answered During an Online Q&A - "...I appreciate it when people compliment me on sticking to my principles."
Is the FISA Court Constitutional? - By Andrew P. Napolitano - "By altering the constitutionally mandated requirement of the existence of a case or controversy before the jurisdiction of the federal courts may be invoked, Congress has lessened the protection of the right to be left alone that the Framers intentionally sought to enshrine."
US Egypt Policies Don't Pass the Laugh Test - by Ron Paul - "The hypocrisy of the US administration on these events in Egypt is stunning."
If You Like the Surveillance State, You’ll Love E-Verify - by Ron Paul - "Creation of a federal database with photos and possibly other “biometric” information about American citizens is a great leap forward for the surveillance state. All Americans who still care about limited government and individual liberty should strongly oppose E-Verify. "
33 Shocking Facts Which Show How Badly The Economy Has Tanked Since Obama Became President - "It is getting very tiring listening to Obama supporters try to claim that Obama has improved the economy.  That is a false claim that is not even remotely close to reality.  The following are 33 shocking facts which show how badly the U.S. economy has tanked since Obama became president..."
Ten Reasons the U.S. Is No Longer the Land of the Free - by Jonathan Turley - "While each new national-security power Washington has embraced was controversial when enacted, they are often discussed in isolation. But they don’t operate in isolation. They form a mosaic of powers under which our country could be considered, at least in part, authoritarian."
Oh Help. Oh Help. Oh Help. - Disordered Ramblings on Martial Prowess by Fred Reed - "The days when the US could afford high wages and fun wars and a vast military all at once, them days is over. Oh. Ver."
Domestic Spying Is Dangerous to Freedom - By Andrew P. Napolitano - "What will the NSA spies seek next? Our passwords? We already know the answer to that one. They asked for them last week."
No Military Coups for America? What About November 1963? - “Oh, Jacob, don’t be silly. President Kennedy’s assassination couldn’t have been orchestrated by the U.S. national-security state, notwithstanding the overwhelming amount of evidence pointing in that direction, because it’s just inconceivable that such a thing could happen here in our country. That’s just a conspiracy theory."
Nevada cops sued over forced occupation of private homes - "It’s been a few hundred years since the Third Amendment was written to keep King George from quartering British troops in American homes, but a lawsuit just filed in Nevada suggests it’s as relevant as ever."
The Age of Authoritarianism: Government of the Politicians, by the Military, for the Corporations - "President Obama’s declaration that “America is at a crossroads” in the fight against terror, a fight that is increasingly turning inwards, setting its sights on homegrown extremists, should give every American pause."
The Biggest Ponzi Scheme In The History Of The World - "All of this could have been avoided if Uncle Sam had never agreed to Fred's crazy scheme.  And once Uncle Sam made the decision to stop backing his notes with gold, it was only a matter of time before the scheme was going to collapse."
Liberty in Shambles - by Andrew P. Napolitano - "The modern-day British soldiers – our federal agents – are not going from house to house; they are going from phone to phone and from computer to computer, enabling them to penetrate every aspect of our lives. If anything violates the lessons of our history, the essence of our values and the letter of the Constitution, it is this."
US Suspends Constitution in Permanent World War on Terror - "By making a few subtle changes to a regulation in the U.S. Code titled “Defense Support of Civilian Law Enforcement Agencies” the military has quietly granted itself the ability to police the streets without obtaining prior local or state consent, upending a precedent that has been in place for more than two centuries."
It Is Official: The US Is a Police State - article by Paul Craig Roberts
Why do Americans get the Constitution so wrong? - There’s no excuse for misquoting and misunderstanding the US Constitution. But public figures ranging from Nancy Pelosi to Rush Limbaugh do it all the time.
The Declaration, the Constitution, and Liberty in Our Time - Ever since the dawn of recorded history, people’s minds have been inculcated with the notion that government is the master and the people are the servants.
Tyrants, Torturers, and Taxmen: Pillars of 'Civilization' - we'd better take a good look at our society
Obama and the Patriot Act: “Yes We Can” Kill the Bill of Rights
Thoughts on an Interview with General Stanley McChrystal - Fred Reed on the insanity of the war in Afghanistan
Cool Hand Luke
What we've got here is failure to communicate.
Some men you just can't reach...
So, you get what we had here last week,
Which is the way he wants it !
Well, he gets it !
N' I don't like it any more than you men

And for the lighter side of the news, don't forget Paul Krassner's IRONIC TIMES
and The Onion - "America's Finest News Source"

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A 1 hour show I do for for Radio Free Dishnuts/SkyScanner Radio
Wednesday Evenings at 10pm EST
Armadillo Roadkill Report
A tech/info bit I do on Saturday evenings during the
Jimmy Lee and Bambi Show on CNI Radio

Stuff About Me
My Current Blog - A Soviet Level of Surveillance?
info about Austin, TX
News and Op-Ed

Current U.S. National Debt Clock
It's uggggly, folks...
Favorite Music and Musicians
Favorite Humor

Favorite Authors
Favorite Movies and TV
Commentary on the more inane aspects of our society.  Inspired by the movie of the same name.
Science & Technology
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Martial Arts
Recommended Businesses

end of

            State Flag U.S.S. CONSTITUTION US Flag
"For America" - from Jackson Browne's "Lives In The Balance" album

This web site is dedicated to the rights and freedoms
of the citizens of the United States and Texas

"America...  a country so polite even their war was civil." ~ Dudley Moore
(and it wouldn't hurt you to laugh a bit as well - yes you, the one with the computer)

Richards on her Harley

Ann Richards - former Governor of The Great State of Texas

some Ann Richards Quotes

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Make free donations to several worthy charities just by clicking at The Hunger Site

OK, "For What It's Worth" here goes...

As an American Citizen,
the only authority people have over you is that which you willingly grant them.
The State may have certain authorities over individuals,
but only those specifically designated to it by The People via their representatives.
Any other form of authority is an agreement.

The Real Meaning of the Fourth of July
by Libertarian Lew Rockwell

The (Expanded) Philosophy of Liberty [VIDEO]
A wonderful primer on the philosophy of Libertarianism

US Capitol

As Jimi Hendrix said, somebody's "House is Burning Down"
Unfortunately, it's OUR HOUSE, and it sits on Capitol Hill

Please take the time to investigate my page on what's happening to the foundations of our country,
 and how they are being systematically destroyed.:
US Flag Links to The Constitution and Declaration of IndependenceUS Flag

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as for me...

Armadillo Roadkill
(poor Old Ironsides....  sniff, sniff)

Instant Armadillo Blues - by the New Riders Of The Purple Sage
Dead Skunk In The Middle Of The Road  - by Loudon Wainwright III
Waltz Across Texas  - Waylon Jennings' "not quite right in the head" version of the classic tune
(I will gladly remove any MP3 from this site upon request - well, not mine of course.. ;-)

Cleese Being Roasted

"The World's Gone Crazy Cotillion"  - Waylon Jennings' take on the state of the planet


Am i speaking to the person with whom I am connected?
"Is this your bar of soap?"
A crime so heinous, it couldn't be taken to court!

But, we don't need courts of law any more.  WE have US!!

Texas Assult Law

What is Assault?

Under the criminal laws of Texas, assault can be charged if you:
1. Intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly cause bodily injury to someone else, including your spouse.
2. Intentionally or knowingly threaten someone else, including your spouse, with imminent bodily injury.
3. Intentionally or knowingly cause physical contact with another when the person knows or should reasonably believe that the other will regard the contact as offensive or provocative. (my emphasis)
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And a final thought...
"Who has more than me?"  Listen to Don Williams' beautiful ballad "Miracles"
Classical music fans may hear a bit of Dvorak's New World Symphony in the chorus

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Visitors to this site since 12/20/07


“Every man has his follies - and often they are the most interesting thing he's got.” ~ Josh Billings

I take full responsibility for this travesty of a web site, which I build using SeaMonkey in Mac OS X (free versions available for Windows and Linux as well)

        Point Challenger

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