News & Op-Ed Archives

Vigilante Bush
"You can't expect to weild supreme Executive power just because some watery tart threw a sword at you!"
- Monty Python's Flying Circus in the movie "The Holy Grail"
(ix-nay on ucrade-say, Mr Bush...)


Favorite News Sites

Alternet - Progressive news and opinion
Lew Rockwell
- I hardly agree with everything the Libertarians say they stand for, but these guys are _really_ good...
Hail Freedonia!

Democracy Now
- A daily video news program featuring Progressive points of view
Common Dream
s  - Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community
- Progressive news and opinion
- Alex Jones' alternative news site - you won't see these stories on Fox News ;-)
CNI Radio
  - The best in Computer News and Information

Favorite Blogs and Op-Ed

Keith Olbermann  - One of CNBC's finest.  Be sure to watch his very informative (and entertaining) show Countdown at 8pm EST

   Bush, Waterboarding and Torture
        - His commentary of the controversy surrounding our use of torture on prisoners [VIDEO]
   Olbermann's Special Comment on FISA: President Bush Is a Liar and a Fascist [VIDEO]

Bambi's Musings
- Musings from a Little Deer?  Lots of good notes on technology and intellectual property issues

Paul Krassner- Perspective on current events from a 'raving, unconfined nut' and co-founder of the Yippies
    And for a good laugh and some mind-altering articles, visit THE REALIST ARCHIVE PROJECT
    His commentaries for the Huffington Post can be found HERE

Naomi Wolf - Author of "The End of America: Letter of Warning To A Young Patriot"

Barbara Ehrenreich - The blog of the author of "Nickle and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By In America"

Jim Hightower- The quintessential Texas Progressive
   Stand Up, Congress

Molly Ivins Archive- Op-Ed articles from the First Lady of Texas Journalism
                                    (RIP? I doubt it...  she just has a better Editor ;-)
    Molly Ivins June 10th, 2004 -The Day The Constitution Died - That's the day the attorney general of the United States - a.k.a. 'the nation's top law enforcement officer' -- refused to provide the Senate Judiciary Committee with his department's memos concerning torture.
    Listen to her commentary on George Bush's command of (or lack thereof)  of the English language entitled:

Alex Jones  - The Jones Report
   Timeline To TyrannyTen advances towards the end of freedom and privacy in the United States

Uncle Ernie's Issues and Alibis  - Liberal Thought & Humor

The Day The Constitution Died- In My (not so) Humble Opinion :-)

News and Opinion Archive

Another Nail in the Neocon Coffin, by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. - "Be decent. Be human. Do not be deceived by the Joe Bidens, the John McCains, the Barack Obamas and Hillary Clintons. Reject the biggest government program of them all.  Peace builds. War destroys."
'We're just average folks': The family sending all ten of their home-schooled children to college by the age of 12  - "Those of the Harding siblings who have already graduated from college have gone on to become a doctor, an architect, a spacecraft designer and a master's student. Another two - 12 and 14-years-old - are still finishing up their degrees."
Liberty Was Also Attacked in Boston, by Ron Paul - "Forced lockdown of a city. Militarized police riding tanks in the streets. Door-to-door armed searches without warrant. Families thrown out of their homes at gunpoint to be searched without probable cause. Businesses forced to close. Transport shut down.  These were not the scenes from a military coup in a far off banana republic, but rather the scenes just over a week ago in Boston as the United States got a taste of martial law."
Terrorism in Boston, by Fred Reed - "Terrorism gives them an ideal pretext for Sovietization, and there are no longer many safeguards. Tell the public it is in danger, that you will protect it if they just give up freedoms, and bingo."
Brennan takes oath on draft Constitutionwithout Bill of Rights
March 2 is not just another anniversary - Celebrating Texas Independence Day, 1836
When They Came for the Raw Milk Drinkers… by Ron Paul - "While I oppose most gun control proposals, there is one group of Americans I do believe should be disarmed: federal agents."
Your Papers, Citizen - Gun Control and the Changing American Character - by Fred Reed
Money Is A Form Of Social Control And Most Americans Are Debt Slaves - "What we are doing to our children and our grandchildren is beyond criminal.  We are selling away their futures in order to make our lives more pleasant."
Who Controls The Money? An Unelected, Unaccountable Central Bank Of The World Secretly Does - "Unfortunately, the global elite seem absolutely obsessed with the idea of a global currency, a one world economic system and a global government."
Is America a Police State Yet? - by Wendy McElroy - A police state is generally defined as a totalitarian government that exerts extreme and pervasive social, political and economic control over peaceful citizens. Ayn Rand called it “the ultimate inversion...the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission.”
US Declares War on Us - by Becky Akers - "...more pernicious is "the Department’s" deliberate misreading of the Bill of Rights. That document never refers to "citizens" but purposefully to "people." Nor does it enumerate their rights: it cannot, because said rights are infinite in number. Rather, it constrains the State."
Immigration 'Reform' Will Turn the US Into a Police State - by Ron Paul - "...turning the US into a police state in order to fight a hyped up illegal immigration "crisis" is a bad deal for us all."
All data stored on cloud computing services can be accessed by US government without a warrant - According to reports, all personal information stored on major cloud computing services can be spied on by US agencies without users’ knowledge or even a search warrant.
Why We Cannot Print/Borrow/Spend Our Way to Prosperity - Ballooning government deficit spending and debt has a negative effect on private GDP, money supply, money velocity and wages.
Irrational America - by Scott Lazarowitz - Are Americans just a bunch of unthinking, clueless sheeple who actually believe that the State owns our bodies and should have the power to determine what people may or may not put into their own bodies?
The Age of Neo-Feudalism: A Government of the Rich, by the Rich, and for the Corporations - "The shaping of the will of Congress and the choosing of the American president has become a privilege reserved to the country’s equestrian classes"
CBS Runs Segment Called 'Let's Give Up On The Constitution' - Presidents who have ignored the Constitution should not have been have been impeached, they should have been applauded!  It's an old quaint document which has nothing to do with modern America.  Instead, WE (the mob) should be able run our own country without annoying little restrictions like Habeas Corpus, a right to trial, privacy, free speech, and other protections of individual liberties.  Forget the Amendment process the Founders left us to change things as needed as the times changed.  Can't WE all just agree on how to run OUR country for US?  Pffft, what a waste of perfectly good parchment ;)
The four business gangs that run the US - ”Corporate wealth translates into political power through campaign financing, corporate lobbying and the revolving door of jobs between government and industry; and political power translates into further wealth through tax cuts, deregulation and sweetheart contracts between government and industry. Wealth begets power, and power begets wealth.”
This is insane. New head of Securities and Exchange Commission? A Big Time Defense Attorney—For the Big Banks!
The Institutionalization of Tyranny — Paul Craig Roberts - For Washington, victory means stamping out moral conscience and protecting a corrupt government from public exposure of its war crimes.
Former Adviser: Obama as 'Ruthless and Indifferent to Rule of Law' as Bush - Americans 'unaware of the scale of the drone program ... and the destruction it has caused in their name'
Guns and Freedom - by Judge Andrew P. Napolitano - "The historical reality of the Second Amendment’s protection of the right to keep and bear arms is not that it protects the right to shoot deer. It protects the right to shoot tyrants, and it protects the right to shoot at them effectively, thus, with the same instruments they would use upon us. If the Jews in the Warsaw ghetto had had the firepower and ammunition that the Nazis did, some of Poland might have stayed free and more persons would have survived the Holocaust."
Three Ways Obama Carried Bush’s Tyrannical Torch, in Just One Week - "...this week has been so detrimental to individual liberties and so favorable to never-ending, unaccountable secret war, that it’s hard to imagine we ever extricated ourselves from those dark days of post-9/11 tyranny."
The New Soviet Asylum - "In a country in which everyone has access to machetes, ice picks, guns, and straight razors, let’s keep putting little boys on half-understood psychotropics, Ritalin, expose all of them to crystal. Big Pharma is too important to die. Kids don’t seem to be."
75 Economic Numbers From 2012 That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe - The mainstream media continues to tell us what a “great job” the Obama administration and the Federal Reserve are doing of managing the economy, but meanwhile things just continue to get even worse for the poor and the middle class.
Scandal Alert: Congress Is Quietly Abandoning the 5th Amendment - Meet the prominent legislators who think it's okay to throw Americans in jail forever without charges or trial.
Bill of Rights: The Founders’ Vision is Dead and Gone - Bill of Rights Day is December 15th. But as Kevin Gutzman points out in this article, originally published December 14, 2009, it’s not a day of celebration. Instead, it should be a day of mourning for the death of decentralized self-government.
Despite tragedy in CT, stricter gun control laws are not the solution - A very good, thoughtful, and well-researched article on the causes of the recent tragedies
Vatican calls for world government and a New World Order - (No Thank You, Very Much)
The Hobbit - "I am looking forward to the release of The Hobbit on December 14th. Its author, J.R.R. Tolkien, was essentially an anarchist." - by Jeff Berwick
Dylan versus the Sixties - Whatever else he was, Dylan was his own man. That was a rare thing in the Sixties, and it’s rarer now.
25 Questions Society Needs to Answer Before Getting Out of the Scum Hole - 25 questions from Ron Paul's farewell speech, with commentary by Luis Miranda
Big Brother alert: Microsoft wants to know how many friends you've got in your living room
The Holocost Shuffle - "...most of the public grows ever-more-accustomed to arbitrary authority. To being herded, barked at, prodded – just like cattle in the field."  It can't happen here, right?
Hunting 'Terrorists' and the Expansion of Kill Lists Means Perpetual War - "What now is common practice, and in many cases codified into law, things like indefinite detention, torture, assassination, and rendition; all without any due process, are accepted as normal by the American citizenry."
Project censored - The expanding police state tops the annual list of stories underreported by the mainstream media
Unsustainable - "When it comes to explaining the problems with our economy, one of the hardest things to do is to get people to understand that we are living in an economic fantasy world that is completely and totally unsustainable."
Behind the Curtain - Charles Goyette on learning and applying the unfortunate truth about stato-America.
Are You Seeing what I'm Seeing? - "A few powerful men have hijacked our economic, financial and political structure. They aren’t socialists or capitalists. They’re criminals. They created the culture of materialism, greed and debt, sustained by prodigious levels of media propaganda."
Think Your Privacy Is Threatened Today? - Mark Nestmann on the draconian police-state technology that's in the works.
This Perfect Hell - Ralph Raico on This Perfect Day, by Ira Levin, about the totalitarian, egalitarian future.
Soldiers, There's No Honor in Aggressive War - Nor in butchering people on orders from some general, says Fred Reed.
Audit of the Federal Reserve Reveals $16 Trillion in Secret Bailouts - virtually none of the money has been returned and it was loaned out at 0% interest.
The Corporate Surveillance State: How the Thought Police Use Your Cell Phone To Track Your Every Move - Because your cellphone is their spyphone. Article by John Whitehead.
The new totalitarianism of surveillance technology - If you think that 24/7 tracking of citizens by biometric recognition systems is paranoid fantasy, just read the industry newsletters - by Naomi Wolf
Gerald Celente on the Upcoming Seed Event  - and Why People Need To Think for Themselves To Avoid a Replay of the 1930s - Gerald Celente on the US's cold-blooded wars, police state, and economic crises.
The Eye of Sauron - Fred Reed on something new and ugly under the sun. - "...the technology exists for a detailed, unblinking, unforgetting watchfulness of the entire population beyond anything imagined, or perhaps imaginable, a few decades ago."
Manvotional: The Majesty of Calmness - "Calmness is the rarest quality in human life. It is the poise of a great nature, in harmony with itself and its ideals. It is the moral atmosphere of a life self-reliant and self-controlled. Calmness is singleness of purpose, absolute confidence, and conscious power – ready to be focused in an instant to meet any crisis."
The 15 Rules of Web Disruption - See how many of these scenarios you have encountered in web discussions.  You wanted an argument?  This is abuse...
Why Do We Obey? - by Eric Peters - "If some random guy ordered you to submit to his will – or else – most of us would at least consider it assault. Many of us would try to escape – or defend ourselves. Very few would quietly submit. And almost no one would submit willingly.  But when exactly the same thing is done to us by a person wearing a uniform, most of us not only submit and obey – we do so without even questioning the rightness of the thing."
Gazillions - by Andrew P. Napolitano - "Gazillions. That’s the number of times the federal government has spied on Americans since 9/11 through the use of drones, legal search warrants, illegal search warrants, federal agent-written search warrants and just plain government spying."
100 Million Poor People In America - And 39 Other Facts About Poverty That Will Blow Your Mind - "As our economy gets even worse, there is going to be a tremendous need for more love, compassion and generosity all over the country. Don't be afraid to lend a helping hand, because someday you may need one yourself."
It's Worse Than You Think: Halftime Between Two Lost Decades - A 'perfect storm' of economic crises is upon us, but there is hope...
The Terrifying Ways Google Is Destroying Your Privacy - Google appears to have morphed from a corporation that proclaims, “Don’t be evil” to one insisting that users “Join the Borg.”
The TSA's mission creep is making the US a police state - The out-of-control Transportation Security Administration is past patdowns at airports – now it's checkpoints and roadblocks
6 Ridiculous Lies You Believe About the Founding of America - "After spending a couple decades sneaking ashore to raid Vineland of its ample wood pulp, the vikings made a go of settling North America in 1005. After landing there with livestock, supplies and between 100 and 300 settlers, they set up the first successful European American colony ... for two years. And then the Native Americans kicked their ass out of the country, shooting the head viking in the heart with an arrow."
Is There a Drone in Your Backyard? - "Is your fertilizer for the roses or to fuel a bomb? Is that Sudafed for your cold or your meth habit? Are you smoking in front of your kids?"
The Surveillance State: Knowing Every Bit About You - The long-feared “garrison state” is coming into being on American soil before our very eyes
Rock and Roll and a Reason Why American Musicians No Longer Capture the World's Imagination? - "Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't take an interest in you." ~ Pericles
A Government of Waste - by Andrew P. Napolitano - "In all other nations where there is some freedom, government power begrudgingly permitted limited freedoms. In the U.S., personal freedom has permitted the government to have limited powers."
The Receding Tide, by Fred Reed - "The Soviet Union had an admirable constitution, and paid no attention to it. America heads rapidly in the same direction."
CIA Chief: We’ll Spy on You Through Your Dishwasher - More and more personal and household devices are connecting to the internet, from your television to your car navigation systems to your light switches. CIA Director David Petraeus cannot wait to spy on you through them.
The FBI, the CIA, Homeland Security, the Federal Reserve and Potential Employers Are All Monitoring You on Facebook and Twitter
How Does Anybody Make a Living These Days? - A good article on how to survive in the 'new economy'
19 Signs That America Has Become A Crazy Control Freak Nation Where Almost Everything Is Illegal  - It's freakin' nutz
The Great Debate: How Ron Paul’s Presidency Will Reshape America - and we surely need to debate the path America is taking
How To Use the Internet in 'Stealth Mode' (The Key To Staying Private When Big Brother is Watching)
Ron Paul: U.S. "slipping into a fascist system" - It's getting bad, folks
19 Crazy Things That School Children Are Being Arrested for in America - you wont believe it
Hands Off the Internet - Ron Paul on State-corporatist censorship. (audio link available)
Defending the Last Free Place on Earth - The Internet
Courtney Love does the math - an excellent article on the current state of the record business
The Pentagon Hasn't Won a War Since 1945 - And now the Republicans want to attack Iran. Article by Fred Reed.
Bad Laws Attract Bad People To Enforce Them - Eric Peters on 3 types of cops who threaten harmless, morally innocent people with violence.
The Next Step by Eric Peters - "I believe we are in roughly the same spot as those soon-to-be-Americans of the early 1770s."
Tweeting Certain Harmless Words - Could mean US government spies will read your Twitter account.
Devil Deals, Devil Government - Bill Bonner on a sickening reason for the infinite detainment act.
The Case for Austerity by Andrew P. Napolitano - "Government is not a jobs program, and government is not your caretaker. Government is an arrangement made by free individuals to protect their rights and their property." - If you like this sort of thinking, may I suggest you read Napolitano's "The Constitution In Exile"
Welcome to the Police State - Ron Paul on repealing the Bill of Rights.
Setting the Trap by Justin Raimondo - Levin-McCain bill would create a presidential dictatorship. Where is the outrage? - "Resistance is “terrorism”: dissent is a crime, and you’d better shut up and take it if you know what’s good for you."
What if the Constitution No Longer Applied? - by Andrew P. Napolitano - ( it doesn't :/ )
Confessions of a Former Gang Member - Joel Poindexter on the Life, and how he went straight. (there is a rather disturbing plot twist at the end)
Hitmen for the State - Fred Reed on military honor and other myths.
Resist the Police State [AUDIO]- Lew Rockwell interviews Judge Napolitano
The Birth of American Imperialism (a very sad legacy indeed...)
The Soviet Union’s Continuing Influence on America - The glorification of the Soviet Union by American intellectuals from the 1920s onwards helped spur the creation of federal programs that continue plaguing the United States to this day.
15 Years in Prison - For recording a traffic stop. Article by Eric Peters.
It Is Dangerous to Be Right When the Government Is Wrong - The Case for Personal Freedom - by Andrew P. Napolitano
The Fascist Threat - by Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr. - "In the long run even the most despotic governments with all their brutality and cruelty are no match for ideas. Eventually the ideology that has won the support of the majority will prevail and cut the ground from under the tyrant's feet. Then the oppressed many will rise in rebellion and overthrow their masters." ~ Ludwig von Mises
Four New York Democratic Senators: “Proponents of a More Refined First Amendment Argue That This Freedom Should Be Treated Not as a Right But as a Privilege” - impeachment, anyone?
Cloud-Powered Facial Recognition Is Terrifying - By harnessing the vast wealth of publicly available cloud-based data, researchers are taking facial recognition technology to unprecedented levels
How Anti-Authoritarians Can Transcend their Sense of Hopelessness and Fight Back - Can anti-authoritarian critical thinkers rise above their pessimism and really fight for change?
The Myth of American Freedom - So long, liberty. Article by Andrew Napoltano.
'The Dream Is Collapsing' - "I'm 24, strong, and I can't find work in my hometown. I'm married with one beautiful son – seven months old today. Never had a chance to buy a home. Can't afford the apartment we've been living in. [We're] moving in with Debbie's parents, whose home in in foreclosure. Can you help?"
Trial by Police State - The Police State Abolishes the Trial - Lew Rockwell on the real US justice system.
Court doubles down on intent to build jurisprudence of police state - so much for upholding The Constitution in the Great State of Indiana
Ron Paul vs. the Booing Teocons - Szandor Blestman on why the establishment is terrified.
10 Scams We Encounter Every Day - James Altucher on seeing through them. NB: Strong language.
The War on Liberty - They call it the War on Terror, however. Article by Joel Bowman and Bill Bonner.
The Ron Paul Solution - Sometime the answer is right in front of you
In America the Rule of Law Is Vacated - The American Rule of Law?  Don't make Paul Craig Roberts laugh.
Ron Paul Is Right To Be a Man of Peace - Laurence Vance on Christianity and war.
S&P States the Obvious - by Ron Paul
Ron Paul’s Great Compromise of 2012 - An Appeal to Social Conservatives
The Pesky Neighbor and the Debt Ceiling - by Ron Paul
10 Principles Of A Free Society - by Ron Paul
Cointelpro on Steroids - John Whitehead on the new FBI powers of abuse.
Call Off the Global Drug War - by Jimmy Carter
The Anti-Muslim Hysteria - And the terrorist police state. Michael Roberts on the Christian response.
Four More Years of Unchecked Spying, Surveillance and Secrecy - "When the American people find out how their government has secretly interpreted the Patriot Act, they will be stunned and they will be angry."
Mark Twain on War Maniacs - He could be writing about the Christian right or the neocons.
If This Isn’t Inflation, Then What Is? - Paco Ahlgren writes about the dangerous effects of the huge increase in the money supply in recent years.
The 4th of July…Just What Are We Celebrating? - Eric Peters on the freedoms we've lost.
Does the US Want To Grab Canada and Mexico, Too? - Alex Newman on an interesting find from Wikileaks on North American integration.
Osama bin Laden Causes Another War? - After he's dead? Article by Gary Barnett.
Sacrificing freedom for security - John E. Sununu, Special to The Boston Globe (btw - my opinion is that the Patriot Act should be repealed, and new legislation in its place be debated)
I'll Take the Reactionary Over the Murderer, Thanks Very Much - From the left, Charles Davis on Ron Paul vs. Obama. NB: some bad language.
Spend It Like You Stole It - Bill Bonner on Wall Street wives, stimulus scams, and hot dollars.
How to Turn Your SmartPhone into Your Survival Phone - It might save your life.
Why Can't Americans Speak or Write? - Joe Sobran on English and the English.
3rd World USA - Ron Paul on what the corporate, counterfeiting state has done to us.
Profligate US - Uncle Sam Borrows; China Invests. Eric Margolis on the decline of America.
Protecting Yourself Against Crime and Violence - A step by step plan to protect yourself in the coming storm. Article by Chris Martenson
Abe Lincoln's Legacy: Leviathan?s Bondage of All Americans
Paul Krugman’s 'Civil War' Fantasies - when it comes to his knowledge of the Civil War, 'everything he knows is wrong'
Rats! I Was Hoping for a Shutdown - this was about as important as a husband and wife with a monthly income of $4,000 fighting over one’s desire to blow eighty cents on a Snickers Bar.
The Most Important Thing We Can Do - Jacob Huebert on nullifying the federal government
Reality Check, Mexico - Without the narco wars, Mexico would be a corrupt, reasonably functional, genuinely advancing upper Third-World country.
Exposed: The US-Saudi Libya deal - You invade Bahrain. We take out Muammar Gaddafi in Libya.
Another Illegal Killerthon - They call it a war. Article by Ron Paul.
American Hypocrisy - Obama takes it to an even higher level, says Paul Craig Roberts.
Bernanke Is Riding the Tiger - He's pulled us up there with him, and the ending will not be pretty, says Gary North, especially for your retirement.
Money Trouble Ahead: 15 Indications That Bad Times Are About to Hit the U.S. Economy
Monty Python and the world economy: Tis but a scratch - A Black Knight's view of our current situation?
A Brief History of the United States - As only Fred Reed can tell it. (very funny, and not so...)
In Security Freaks We Trust - Not Don Cooper.
Inside an American Tent City - Mac Slavo on our imaginary economic recovery
Hey, Greens - If you want electric cars, you need electricity - Article by Bill Walker (Excellent arguments in favor of the use of nuclear energy)
America's Total Surveillance Society - The All-Seeing Eye - The back of your dollar bill comes true. Article by Stephen Lendman
The Intensive Preparations for Martial Law - Peter Dale Scott on the radical military response to civil unrest.
18 Sobering Facts - Which Prove That the Middle Class Is Not Being Included in This 'Economic Recovery'
Bring the Legions Home. Now. - We can't afford the empire, and even if we could, murdering people is a great evil. Article by Fred Reed.
My Name's Blind. James Blind. - US Intelligence - It's criminal and stupid, says Fred Reed.
Joint Pain – Would You Rather Live With It or Without It? - some herbal remedies
63 MPG - Eric Peters on the cars we're not allowed to buy.
The Fantasy of American Exceptionalism - Deadly fantasy. Article by Fred Reed.
All Drugs Were Once Legal - And must be again, says J.H. Huebert.
Null. Void. Of No Effect. - How the States can use the 10th Amendment to nullify proclamations by the Federal government.  By Michael Boldin of the Tenth Amendment Center
Austerity in America: 22 Signs That It Is Already Here and That It Is Going To Be Very Painful
'Vitriolic Rhetoric' vs. Government’s Aggression - by Scott Lazarowitz
Live Below Your Means, Pay Cash, Stock-Up Now - Larry LaBorde on what to do in the face of the coming debt and currency collapse.
America has ‘reached the point of no return’ - Reagan budget director warns
The American Monkey Can't Let Go - Fred Reed on how and why the empire is going down.
Deepening crisis traps America's have-nots - The US is drifting from a financial crisis to a deeper and more insidious social crisis. Self-congratulation by the US authorities that they have this time avoided a repeat of the 1930s is premature.
The Eavesdropping Merchant of Death: Lockheed Martin's Shadow Government - Tom Engelhardt and Bill Hartung on Lockheed Martin and you.
Tea Party Foreign Policy - It's as mindlessly imperial as the Republican or Democratic version, says Stephen Kinzer.
Are Refuseniks the Next Crop To Be Harvested? - Eric Peters on where we're headed.
Krugman vs. the Whippersnappers! - Immigration and Inequality
America Has Gone Away - And awry. Article by Paul Craig Roberts.  An excellent commentary on the state of journalism in America, and the importance of a free press.
No One Owes You Anything - A Christmas gift for my daughter, by Harry Browne
The Twelve Days of Christmas (Government Version)
The FCC's Threat to Internet Freedom - 'Net neutrality' sounds nice, but the Web is working fine now. The new rules will inhibit investment, deter innovation and create a billable-hours bonanza for lawyers.
Grave Domestic Threats to National Security - WikiLeaks isn't the problem...
Espionage Act: How the Government Can Engage in Serious Aggression Against the People of the United States - Naomi Wolf discusses the impact of reviving the WWI-era breach of the Constitution on our freedom of expression
'The Truth Will Always Win' - Julian Assange, in his own words.
Julian Assange Captured by World's Dating Police - Naomi Wolf says it's about time...
Libertarians, Power, and the Message of Freedom
Ron Paul - Focus on the policy, not Wikileaks - what's really important about the latest Wikileak revelations?
A Real Jaw Dropper at the Federal Reserve - Senator Bernie Sanders on the revelations about who got the bail-out money
The Establishment Is in Despair - As it should be, says Gary North, who has the goods.
The Fear Profiteers - Naomi Wolf on how the fearmongers use terrorism to make money and control us via the TSA and airport security
The Proper Response to WikiLeaks - Karen Kwiatkowski on fascist America.
The JFK 'Head Shot' Paradox
Oregon: FBI Thwarts Own Car Bomb - Will Americans recoil in yet more contrived fear?
If the Government Does X, It Is Called Y - Understanding the Lingo of the State - Robert Higgs translates.
Continuity of Government: Is the State of Emergency Superseding Our Constitution?
Lincoln's Gettysburg Address - If He Had Been More Honest
10 Organic Foods That Are Worth the Money - Stay away from these highly contaminated common products, says Joseph Mercola
JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters
Congress looks at laws that criminalize non-criminal behavior - Miami seafood importer. Abner Schoenwetter, 64, just finished a six-year stretch in prison for the crime of contracting to purchase lobster tails from a Honduran seller whom federal authorities learned was violating lobster-harvest regulations.
15 Dangerous Drugs Big Pharma Shoves Down Our Throats
Obama's Greatest Betrayal: The Coming Sell-Out to the Super Rich and What It Means for the Rest of Us
16 of the Dumbest Things Americans Believe -- And the Right-Wing Lies Behind Them
The Total Control Society Is Here: Iris Scanners
China Scorns US Funny Money - Eric Margolis on snake oil on the Potomac, which has lost its power to fool
Resent the Biggest Government in World History? - Then you must be a terrorist. Article by Doug Hornig.
10 Unusual Foods - That are perfect for your survival pantry, says Lisa Bedford.
Reject the Welfare-Warfare State - It's our only hope, says Ron Paul.
Klaatu Obama Nikto - Gary North on a prescient movie, and why the US warfare-welfare state is coming down.
The Evils of Trackable, Traceable Microchipped Drugs - Even the cops could know what you're taking, says Mike Adams.
Let's Attack Iran! - Lindsey of Persia calls us to the battle. Article by Fred Reed.
The tunnel people of Las Vegas: How 1,000 live in flooded labyrinth under Sin City's shimmering strip
The Real Jefferson - For more than two hundred years, Thomas Jefferson has been considered to be America’s prophet of liberty.
Slaughter as Stimulus - Will Grigg on the Keynesian warfare state.
Is the US a Fascist Police State? - Yes, says Gonsalo Lira, who's lived under two. NB: Bad language.
A Good Way To Spend a Slow Afternoon - South of the border. Article by Fred Reed.
Hey Republican Samurai! You Want More Wars? Then Pay For Them! - Time for a War Tax.
Military Welfare for the Totaliban - Ron Paul on anti-Iranian meddling in cahoots with the dictatorial, fundamentalist Saudis.
Campaign 2010: A Political 'Jersey Shore' Reality Show - Gerald Celente on campaign 2010
The $200 Trillion Millstone Around Our Necks - That cannot be named.
8 People Who Can See What You’re Browsing Online - Is anyone spying on you right now?
Lose Your Government Chains - Workers unite! Article by Gary North.
Since I Won't Vote for a Sociopath - I can't vote, says David Calderwood.
The Pledge Against America - Laurence Vance on Republican hypocrites.
Oh Help - a funny article by Fred Reed, who apparently channels Hunter S. Thompson on occasion
The Great Goat Rodeo of Lies - Forclosuregate doomsday arrives. Article by Chris Kitze.
A Lesson From The Grapes of Wrath - Jim Quinn on Depression 2.0.
Will People Line Up Like Cattle for the Federal Peeping Toms? - Mike Adams gets his answer as he opts out of the TSA irradiating porno-scanning.
We Are Getting Poorer - 10 reasons why the latest economic numbers bring even more bad news.
The Duck-Like Noise of a One-Legged Economy - Too Soon Old, Too Late Smart - The Mogambo Guru on our one-legged economy.
Walking could protect brain against shrinking, US research says - Neurologists who monitored 300 volunteers over 13 years say those who walk most could be defending themselves against memory loss
No Way Out - Doug Casey on the greatest depression, and why it might not be all bad.
Mormon Prophecy Behind Glenn Beck's Message - they believed, the very survival of the Constitution depended on the Saints. From Smith on, LDS leaders prophesied the Constitution would one day hang by a thread, only to be saved by Mormons
Another Nonsensical Attack on Libertarians - Government 'Fire Fighters' Let a House Burn Down- So liberals attack libertarians.
Congress Has Plans for an Internet Blacklist in the Works -- Let's Stop This Now
Want a Good Night's Sleep? - Then Never Do These Things Before Bed
Dwight Was Right - by Michael Moore - turns out President Eisenhower wasn't making up all that stuff about the military-industrial complex.
Financial Warfare - and the Failure of US Military Leadership
Translation of State Department Advisory - A Politically Incorrect (That is, Truthful) Translation
Robert Wenzel on that federal terrorism warning.
Birth of the National Security State - It is not far fetched to speculate that the United States has, over the past ten years, been sliding into a form of authoritarianism that retains only some aspects of the constitution and a limited rule of law.
5 Steps to Kill Hidden Bugs in Your Gut That Make You Sick - let's take a deeper look at the gut and why it may be at the root of your chronic symptoms.
'Feds radiating Americans'? Mobile X-ray vans hit US streets - As an antiterror measure, the US government has deployed mobile X-ray technology to randomly scan cars and trucks. But the measure is riling privacy proponents.
20 Signs that the Economic Collapse Is Already Upon Us - This year, millions of Americans are discovering that the music has stopped playing and they are left without a seat at the table.
1, 2, 3 – How To Prove The Truth About The U.S. Economy To Anyone In Three Easy Steps - it's uggggly, folks
5 Ways to Keep the Internet from Destroying Your Brain - These tips will help you improve your online efficiency, and reduce the stress that so often accompanies multitasking and information overload.
It's '1984' in America -  GPS and the Police State We Inhabit: Living in Oceania
The Founding Fathers Versus the Tea Party - Like many popular insurgencies in American history, the Tea Party movement has attempted to enlist the founding fathers as fervent adherents to its cause.
Is the Green Gestapo Snooping in Your Trash? - It's all part of big brother's police state control grid, funded by the stimulus.
10 Things You (Likely) Don’t Know About Your Immune System - Open your textbooks kids, it’s time to learn
The Bastard Child of the Mother of All Bubbles - A tipping point is reached when the government debt exceeds 90% of GDP. US government debt is currently at 93% of GDP.
12 Medical Myths Even Most Doctors Believe… - Joseph Mercola on 12 medical myths most MDs accept.
How To Disappear - Playing hide and seek in a wired world. Article by Frank M. Ahearn.

Little Boy Expelled and Tormented Over a Toy Gun - Fred Reed on public school sadism, and left and right loonies.
9 Ways To Start a Fire Without Matches - from the Manly Skills web site
Are Independent Thinkers Mentally Ill? - Do You Question Authority, Fail To Accept Conventional Wisdom?
The government psychiatrist will see you now. Article by Mark Nestmann.

15 Shocking Poverty Statistics That Are Skyrocketing  - as the American Middle Class Continues To Be Slowly Wiped Out

The Depth of Deceit in JFK's Murder - Len Hart on the cold war origins of the CIA crime wave.
Badass Conspiracy Movies - The top 11
With or Without Federal 'Permission' - Michael Boldin on the States vs the Federal Government
We All Know the Cause of 'Islamic' Terrorism - And US invasions and mass killings are irrelevant. Article by Jim Cox.
Male fish now exhibiting female traits due to toxic chemicals and pharma runoff - More than 80 percent of male bass in the Potomac River on the U.S. Atlantic coast are producing eggs or showing other female traits
Sick: Court Sides With Bush/Obama in Favor of Torture, Secrecy, Against Rule of Law - A sharply divided federal appeals court on Wednesday dismissed a lawsuit involving the Central Intelligence Agency’s practice of seizing terrorism suspects and transferring them to other countries for imprisonment and interrogation.
The Persistence of Red-State Fascism - The right is no more the answer than the left, says Anthony Gregory.
Rounding Up the Culprits of Rising Prices - Greedy, Self-Serving, Arrogant, Malfeasant Monsters - The Mogambo Guru rounds up the culprits behind rising prices.
Reagan: No Revolution - Another Conservative Fraud - Jacob Huebert on Reagan.
Raids are increasing on farms and private food-supply clubs—here are 5 tips for surviving one - What's next, raids on Amish produce stands?
Why Natural Health? - Because it's about staying well, not controlling symptoms with drugs, says Margaret Durst.
Hey, Got a License To Grow That Food?  The War on Food: Eggsactly What Is Going On Here? - Mac Slavo on where the feds are headed.
The Erosion of America's Middle Class - The American middle class is disappearing, says Thomas Schulz.
Stop Demagoguing the Mosque - Ron Paul on conservatives vs. property rights and freedom of religion.
Ruben Salazar -  The LA Times has been publishing articles about the files on Ruben Salazar's death being kept secret. Here's an excerpt from Paul Krassner's autobiography.
No Child Left Unmedicated - Yet another reason why government schools are dangerous. Article by Joseph Mercola.
It's Not Just Your Gene Pool - Diet and lifestyle are the fountain of youth for a long and disease-free life
10 Ways We Are Being Tracked, Traced, and Databased - Are technological advances infringing on our right to privacy?
10 Signs The U.S. is Becoming a Third World Country - The United States by every measure is hanging on by a thread to its First World status.
The real A.I.: Childless millionaire builds 'intelligent robot' that sings Karaoke, laughs and tells jokes
Has the time come to legalize drugs? - Legalization of drugs -- long an issue championed mainly by fringe groups -- is rapidly moving to the mainstream in Latin America.
None Dare Call It Tyranny - If you want to know what tyranny is like, look around.
Is the US Economy Dead As a Dodo? - 15 Economic Statistics That Just Keep Getting Worse
Short Memories, Bad Politics, Big Debt - America is sorely in need of grown-ups to oversee its fiscal affairs and they are sorely missing in the present Congress and in the White House.
Conservapedia: E=mc2 Is A Liberal Conspiracy - I knew it all along!!
The Cycle of Violence in Afghanistan - Ron Paul on the effects of civilian casualties
Whose Hands? Whose Blood? - Killing Civilians in Afghanistan and Iraq - by Tom Engelhardt
A Chilling Effect: Your Privacy Is Worthless - Obama’s Privacy Is Priceless
God Crashes the Tea Party - Naomi Wolf on how the libertarian foundaions of the Tea Party movement are being subverted by Christian fundamentalism.
That Reckless Protection Racket of Military Socialism and Fascism -  Scott Lazarowitz on military socialism-fascism.
Psychopathy Legitimized - another excellent anti-war article from Fred Reed
On the Justice Department - Statement of Congressman Ron Paul before the US House of Representatives
The American Dream - Waking People Up And Getting Them To Realize That The American Dream Is Quickly Becoming The American Nightmare
Supreme Court upholds controversial part of Patriot Act - On Monday, the Supreme Court upheld a statute – part of the Patriot Act – that outlaws the provision of 'material support' to terror groups. Such support includes assistance that might nudge a group toward nonviolence.
The end of the world as we know it - Forget man-made threats – the catalyst for the apocalypse will come from outer space, warns astronomer Chris Impey
The EPA Can Go To Hell, and I Will Go To Texas - EPA bullies invade, Texans demand nullification. Article by Brian Roberts.
More Blank Checks to the Military Industrial Complex - Ron Paul on feeding the machine
US Census Workers Knocking on Your Neighbors’ Doors - Looking for Snitches in Memphis
There Is No Money - Too late, a politician tells the truth. Gary North on what to do about your own future.
The Trouble With the '64 Civil Rights Act - Ron Paul's explanation of his opposition
Why Asia Will Overtake America - The shift from West to East is not going to be reversed without something like a religious transformation in the West.
The Power Problem: How American Military Dominance Makes Us Less Safe, Less Prosperous, and Less Free
War, National Emergency, and 'Continuity of Government' - Peter Dale Scott on abolishing the constitution.
Saving in the Hard Times, for the Harder Times, by Mrs. C.J. in San Diego
Martial Law in America: No Longer Just a Possibility!
Getting After the Devil: Obama and Civil Liberties
Interrogation, Detention, and Prosecution of American Citizens: A Desired State Policy
Thinking Rots the Mind! - Listen to the Presidential Sock Puppet (And stop thinking) Article by Butler Shaffer.
Obama planning a Dept of Truthiness? - Save us from conspiracy theories, frets Prez
How To Run a Federal Budget Surplus -  It's simple, says Gary North.
The 7 Stupidest Statements Made About the BP Gulf Oil Spill
Want to Prevent Oil Spill Disasters? Stop Driving
Obama’s EPA Gave Energy Star Certification to ‘Gas-Powered Clock Radio’  - and 14 Other Phony Products, GAO Says
Supreme Court upholds controversial part of Patriot Act - On Monday, the Supreme Court upheld a statute – part of the Patriot Act – that outlaws the provision of 'material support' to terror groups. Such support includes assistance that might nudge a group toward nonviolence.
The end of the world as we know it - Forget man-made threats – the catalyst for the apocalypse will come from outer space, warns astronomer Chris Impey
The EPA Can Go To Hell, and I Will Go To Texas - EPA bullies invade, Texans demand nullification. Article by Brian Roberts.
More Blank Checks to the Military Industrial Complex - Ron Paul on feeding the machine
US Census Workers Knocking on Your Neighbors’ Doors - Looking for Snitches in Memphis
There Is No Money - Too late, a politician tells the truth. Gary North on what to do about your own future.
The Trouble With the '64 Civil Rights Act - Ron Paul's explanation of his opposition
Why Asia Will Overtake America - The shift from West to East is not going to be reversed without something like a religious transformation in the West.
The Power Problem: How American Military Dominance Makes Us Less Safe, Less Prosperous, and Less Free
War, National Emergency, and 'Continuity of Government' - Peter Dale Scott on abolishing the constitution.
Saving in the Hard Times, for the Harder Times, by Mrs. C.J. in San Diego
Martial Law in America: No Longer Just a Possibility!
Getting After the Devil: Obama and Civil Liberties
Interrogation, Detention, and Prosecution of American Citizens: A Desired State Policy
Thinking Rots the Mind! - Listen to the Presidential Sock Puppet (And stop thinking) Article by Butler Shaffer.
Obama planning a Dept of Truthiness? - Save us from conspiracy theories, frets Prez
How To Run a Federal Budget Surplus -  It's simple, says Gary North.
The 7 Stupidest Statements Made About the BP Gulf Oil Spill
Want to Prevent Oil Spill Disasters? Stop Driving
Obama’s EPA Gave Energy Star Certification to ‘Gas-Powered Clock Radio’  - and 14 Other Phony Products, GAO
This Sucker Is Going Down - The first great depression will look like "The Philadelphia Story" ten years from now, says James Howard Kunstler.
10 Ways the American Economy Is Built on Fraud - Fraud has become so endemic in this country that it's woven its way into America’s DNA
Terrorism and the Golden Rule - Gary Barnett on putting ourselves in the other person’s shoes.
In Defense of Sedition - It's the duty of every free person. Article by Tom DiLorenzo.
'Find Me the Man, I'll Find the Crime' - Will Grigg on American law enforcement.
Double-Dip Recession, Shot Federal Wad - by Gary North
Ron Paul - End Insanity Of The War on Drugs—Start With Decriminalizing Marijuana at The Federal Level
The National Biometric ID Card: The Mark of the Beast?
Witch Medicine in Mexico - Want Decent, Cheap Medical Care?  Go to Mexico, says Fred Reed.
Ron Paul and the Libertarian Moment - "Freedom in our time" – is it possible?
How We Lost Our Souls - The Sociopathic Dance of Politics - Butler Shaffer on the heart of the regime.
Sedition USA - Will Grigg on persecutions past, present, and future.
Inflationary Depression, Collapse, Civil Unrest - Gerald Celente and Peter Schiff have been correct all along, says Mark Lutter.
Soldiers Hate - Fred Reed on the hormonal adventure of armies on the march, and where it leads. NB: Some strong language.
Our Totalitarian Future
- Are Americans consenting to be oppressed? Article by David Calderwood.
Leaders' Lack of Respect for Rule of Law Makes Us All Victims of 9/11 - Cynthia McKinney wants to know why the world must live inside a lie.
BOOK REVIEW: Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura Explores 'American Conspiracies' and Reveals the Lies, Inconsistencies of Official Governmental Reports - If You're Not a Believer in Government Lies and Cover-Ups
Jesse Ventura's new book could change your mind, says David M. Kinchen.
You Say You Want a Revolution? - Think Again
The City of Detroit Is Dead - It was killed by government, says Gary North, which is why the media are suppressing the story.
National Health Caress - Another Magic Trick From Oboudini - Butler Shaffer on the health-care chimera.
IT WAS A WONDERFUL LIFE - A wonderful commentary by Jim Quinn on economics vs morality, and the lessons of the movie "It's A Wonderful Life". Very thought-provoking...
Why 'the Hurt Locker' Hurts - This year's Best Picture Oscar went to a movie about America at its worst - "...the only thing standing between a soldier and a bad government decision is the American public. With the invasion of Iraq, Americans did not "support the troops" -- we needlessly abused them. The Hurt Locker is a movie about that abuse."
The Game of Death: France's Shocking TV Experiment - Talk about showing people their evil side...
"The Game of Death is an adaptation of an infamous experiment conducted by a team led by Yale University psychologist Stanley Milgram in the 1960s. In order to test people's obedience to authority figures, the scientists demanded that subjects administer increasingly strong electric shocks to other participants if they answered questions incorrectly. The people delivering the shocks, however, didn't know that the charges were fake — the volunteers on the other end of the room were actors pretending to suffer agonizing pain. The point was to see how many people would continue following orders to mete out torture."
It’s Not About Political Parties. It’s About Liberty - "I’m no conservative, and I’m no liberal. I’m not a Democrat or a Republican. And I’m not a green or a libertarian, or a socialist or an anarchist. I’m not even an independent.  All I am is me, and all I want is to live free."
When Death Precedes the Applause - Gary North on vocational economists and country musicians, and other irreplaceables.
Census: A Little Too Personal - Representative Ron Paul on the information being collected
Big Brother Wants to Know All About You: The American Community Survey
Leaders' Lack of Respect for Rule of Law Makes Us All Victims of 9/11 - Cynthia McKinney wants to know why the world must live inside a lie.
BOOK REVIEW: Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura Explores 'American Conspiracies' and Reveals the Lies, Inconsistencies of Official Governmental Reports - If You're Not a Believer in Government Lies and Cover-Ups
Jesse Ventura's new book could change your mind, says David M. Kinchen.
You Say You Want a Revolution? - Think Again
The City of Detroit Is Dead - It was killed by government, says Gary North, which is why the media are suppressing the story.
National Health Caress - Another Magic Trick From Oboudini - Butler Shaffer on the health-care chimera.
IT WAS A WONDERFUL LIFE - A wonderful commentary by Jim Quinn on economics vs morality, and the lessons of the movie "It's A Wonderful Life". Very thought-provoking...
Why 'the Hurt Locker' Hurts - This year's Best Picture Oscar went to a movie about America at its worst - "...the only thing standing between a soldier and a bad government decision is the American public. With the invasion of Iraq, Americans did not "support the troops" -- we needlessly abused them. The Hurt Locker is a movie about that abuse."
The Game of Death: France's Shocking TV Experiment - Talk about showing people their evil side...
"The Game of Death is an adaptation of an infamous experiment conducted by a team led by Yale University psychologist Stanley Milgram in the 1960s. In order to test people's obedience to authority figures, the scientists demanded that subjects administer increasingly strong electric shocks to other participants if they answered questions incorrectly. The people delivering the shocks, however, didn't know that the charges were fake — the volunteers on the other end of the room were actors pretending to suffer agonizing pain. The point was to see how many people would continue following orders to mete out torture."
It’s Not About Political Parties. It’s About Liberty - "I’m no conservative, and I’m no liberal. I’m not a Democrat or a Republican. And I’m not a green or a libertarian, or a socialist or an anarchist. I’m not even an independent.  All I am is me, and all I want is to live free."
When Death Precedes the Applause - Gary North on vocational economists and country musicians, and other irreplaceables.
Census: A Little Too Personal - Representative Ron Paul on the information being collected
Big Brother Wants to Know All About You: The American Community Survey
Tyrants, Torturers, and Taxmen: Pillars of 'Civilization' - we'd better take a good look at our society
Obama and the Patriot Act: “Yes We Can” Kill the Bill of Rights
Thoughts on an Interview with General Stanley McChrystal - Fred Reed on the insanity of the war in Afghanistan
True conservatives condemn military tribunals for terrorists - When is a conservative not a conservative?  When they do a 180 degree turn away from their own ideology in order to curry populist political favor.
Economic Warnings From an Elderly 3rd Grader - The Mogambo Guru writes a 3rd-grade essay for his nephew.
Terrorism Is Terrorism: An American Contradiction in Terms
Ridicule of Conspiracy Theories Focuses On Diffusing Criticism of the Powerful - The label "conspiracy theory" is commonly used to try to discredit criticism of the powerful in government or business.
Wind Power - Butler Shaffer on the language of politics. - "Political language . . . is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind."  ~ George Orwell
None of Your Business! - Ron Paul on the overly-intrusive aspects of the current National Census
The Lynch-Mob Mentality - At least Salem witch hunters gave pretenses of trials before burning their fellow citizens at the stake.  Article by Glenn Greenwald.
Mark Twain: Literary Libertarian - Jeff Tucker on Samuel Clemens.
The Neoconservative Empire - Ron Paul on the US warfare state. (although this speech was given 3 years agao, it rings as true today as then.)
Could All the Freezing Weather Lately Have Anything to Do With Climate Change?
Offend Obama? - He can imprison you forever, without charges, in secret. Article by Glenn Greenwald.
NSA beats warrantless wiretap rap - Because it took in a nation of millions.  Also check out my reading of "Obama's Black Widow - Bush's legacy to telecommunications?" in the list of Roadkill Reports at -
Secure your checked bags -- fly with a gun
COLD WEATHER SURVIVAL GUIDE - Would you know how to survive on your own in the kind of extreme environment faced by the Ice Road Truckers every day?
Barry 2009 Dave Barry's year in review: 2009 - Good Riddance to 2009 - But at least we can laugh (he's really out-done himself with this one :-)
Strange Days Indeed - I'm calling this damnable decade over and done with first thing Friday morning...I say good riddance to bad rubbish.
Have Americans Traded Freedom for Security? - With stunning insouciance, Americans have given up the rule of law that protected their liberty. The silence of law schools and bar associations indicates that the age of liberty has passed. In short, the American people support tyranny. And that’s where they are headed.
Welcome to Orwell’s World 2010 - In Nineteen Eighty-Four, George Orwell described a superstate called Oceania, whose language of war inverted lies that "passed into history and became truth. ‘Who controls the past’, ran the Party slogan, ‘controls the future: who controls the present controls the past’."
America's Looming Class War - The regime vs. the rest of us. Article by Mark Crovelli (I could not have stated my feelings about the current administration to me Republocrat friends better or more succinctly)
Obama Is Disappearing Our Freedoms - An interview with Nat Hentoff.
Worse Than War Criminals: Fred Reed on Santa and the elves
Global Warming? - Hockey Puck vs. Ice Core Samples - James Delingpole on the one YouTube Algore doesn’t want you to watch.
Bailed-Out AIG Forcing Poor to Choose Between Running Water and Food - Thanks to AIG, some of the poorest residents of rural Kentucky learned you can always be made poorer by corporate villains.
Homeland Security Embarks on Big Brother Programs to Read Our Minds and Emotions - Half-baked Homeland Security is spending millions to develop sensors capable of detecting a person's level of 'malintent' as a counterterrorism tool.
Are Americans a Broken People? Why We've Stopped Fighting Back Against the Forces of Oppression - A psychologist asks: Have consumerism, suburbanization and a malevolent corporate-government partnership so beaten us down that we no longer have the will to save ourselves?
Brave New World 2009 - We live in a world startlingly similar to the one described in the classic Aldous Huxley novel.  Commentary by Jim Quinn.
Mowing the Sward of Damocles - Fred Reed on current news, June 14, 2009. Funny stuff.
Global Warming: 'Fixing the Climate Data Around the Policy'
Prefabricated Fascists: The FBI’s Assembly-Line Provocateurs
No Rose-Colored Glasses - Don Cooper on seeing the regime as it is.
Edgar Allan Poe, Virginian - Dave Franke on what you don't know about the great Southern writer.
Judicial Terrorism: The State vs. Robert and Danille Kahre
Q&A With Jesse Ventura - On conspiracy theories, being the Gov., pro-wrestling, and more.
Practical Internet Privacy – Paul Green on what you need to know now.
LIBERTARIAN HUMOR - You might be a libertarian if you believe...
"If you think 99 percent of politicians give the rest of them a bad name, you might be a Libertarian."
15 Signs American Society Is Coming Apart at the Seams - Are we nearing a tipping point as rapacious elites push a heavily armed populace too far?
Authoritarian USA - Counterinsurgency war tactics are being used in our neighborhoods.
Don't Make It Easy for Spies and Hackers - It takes five minutes to make your passwords unbreakable.
What Have You Got To Hide? - Probably plenty, and you had better start doing it.
The Rabbit Hole - Don Cooper on what the heck happened to America.
The Relentless War on Drug Users Is Escalating Violence in the US: It's Time for Harm Reduction - Hundreds gather in Albuquerque to celebrate a new dawn of wider acceptance of drug reform, while still feeling a little nervous about the path ahead.
When Dictatorship Came to America - a very different view of President Lincoln
Cancer in the Skies, by Becky Akers - An article which might make you want to consider the train or bus rather than flying...
Forget Columbus, Magellan, Cook - Chinese Admiral Zheng was the real great discoverer.
U.S. Spies Buy Stake in Firm That Monitors Blogs, Tweets - CIA Buys Another Front Company. 
This time, to track blogs, tweets, Amazon book reviews.
A Few Good Kids? - How the No Child Left Behind Act allowed military recruiters to collect info on millions of unsuspecting teens
6 Signs That the American Empire Is Coming to an Early End - The day of America's global pre-eminence is over. We must face the new global realities.
Our Economy Was a Scam and Now We're Dead Broke - America is broke. And the easy credit, phantom "growth" economy has been exposed for what it was: a credit scam.
The American Idea - It's distrust of government, not redistribution of wealth, says Walter Williams.
LAPD’s ‘Orwellian’ anti-terror ads creeping out viewers
After the Billionaires Plundered Alabama Town, Troops Were Called in ... Illegally - "We have to tolerate the inequality as a way to achieve greater prosperity and opportunity for all," says one Goldman Sachs adviser. But tell that to the people of Samson, Ala.
US Joins Ranks of Failed States - The government pays $400/gal for gas, but we can't find a way to get decent health care for everyone.
This ONE Action Keeps Brain Function at Its Peak...
War Is Peace. Ignorance Is Strength - Barack Obama, winner of the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize, is planning another war to add to his impressive record
Have we entered a Libertarian era?
The US Police State Arms Against You - With even more advanced weaponry.
Swiss Health Care Thrives Without Public Option -  Like every other country in Europe, Switzerland guarantees health care for all its citizens.
Martial Law Is Their Business – and Business Sure Is Swell
'You Can’t Do This to People': Robin McDermott’s Resistance
Helot on Wheels - Do you think your Constitutional right apply when you're driving?  Think again...
Checklist for Hard Times - an excellent list of essential items
New Government Policy Imposes Strict Standards on Garage Sales Nationwide - Americans who slap $1 pricetags on their used possessions at garage sales or bazaar events risk being slapped with fines of up to $15 million, thanks to a new government campaign.
'Contempt of Cop' - sometimes, the worst crime of all
76 Reasons To Have a Gun - some very good arguments for gun ownership
10 Secrets Your Dentist Doesn't Want You To Know
Ignore Government Flu Hysteria - Just build up your body's immune-system defenses.
Heroic Police Electro-Torture, Humiliate Double Amputee
No Place Else To Go - Mike Gaddy on where we must take our stand.
Group calls scent ID evidence 'junk' - Innocence Project says it will release report detailing cases in which innocent people were arrested after scent ID lineups.
Nuclear No-Contest - It's the power of the future, unless we want the dark, says James P. Hogan
Eight Spelling Mistakes Even Smart People Make - English is a screwy language. There’s just no logic to it.
Toxic Chemicals in Everyday Products: Find Out What's in the Stuff You Use - At, consumers can find over 15,000 test results on over 5,000 common items including pet products, back-to-school items, children's toys, and cars.
A Recipe for Disaster: School Cops Are Being Armed with 50,000-Volt Tasers - Tasers aren't 'nonlethal'; they've killed hundreds. With younger people being especially vulnerable to the Taser's shock, the risks could be very deadly.
Quietly Building the Totalitarian State in America - With the Full Complicity of the Big Media
Natural Law Provides the Answers - "The state of nature has a law of nature to govern it, which obliges every one: and reason, which is that law, teaches all mankind, who will but consult it, that being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty, or possessions... "
20 most bizarre Craigslist adverts of all time - Craigslist, the anarchic classifieds website, has developed a reputation for hosting some of the oddest adverts on the internet
50 things that are being killed by the internet - The internet has wrought huge changes on our lives – both positive and negative – in the fifteen years since its use became widespread
The Great Fakeroo Recovery - Lew Rockwell on "prosperity" through the printing press
Vegas dreamers go all in - Feeling down and out about the economy?  You're not alone
Living In Beverly Hills - Or at least that's what we thought ;)  An excellent article on where the American 'standard of living' went wrong.  It includes many very useful graphs.
The Drug War Is Working - For the government and its pals. Article by Wilt Alston
Obama To Seize Control of Internet - When he declares an "emergency."
Democratic Health Care Bill Divulges IRS Tax Data
Is 'Friending' in Your Future? Better Pay Your Taxes - Tax deadbeats are finding someone actually reads their MySpace and Facebook postings: the taxman.
Reverse Aging: Easier Than You Think - A landmark experiment suggests reverse aging needn't be relegated to the realm of science fiction.
Coffee, Tea, or Should We Feel Your Pregnant Wife's Breasts? - Before throwing you in a cell at the airport, and then lying about why we put you there?
Democracy Going Dark: The Electronic Police State - The FBI's Multi-Billion "High-Tech Surveillance" Program
The Obama Needle Stick - Government Flu Vaccine Gives Its Victims a Deadly Nerve Disease
It Turned My Children into Hallucinating, Sobbing Wrecks - Tamiflu
Americans: Serfs Ruled by Oligarchs - Paul Craig Roberts on the USSA.
How To Get Rich . . . and Why - by Gary North
And the Surveillance Society Marches On - We've been living in a surveillance society for years.
Posse Comitatus Act: R.I.P. - The Pentagon has approached Congress to grant the Secretary of Defense the authority to post almost 400,000 military personnel throughout the United States.
Practical Internet Privacy - How To Keep Your Online Privacy.  Paul Green's practical, step-by-step guide.
Big Brother may be watching you… - Again
Turning the US Army Against Americans - Is this a military dictatorship?
The Plague of Punitive Populism - It's KGB-Gestapo Time.  Will Grigg on the police state.
For the Sixty-Fourth Time: No More Nuclear War - Reflections on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Our World
Monumentally Tragic Disappointment on the Horizon - Don't Believe the Media.  Far worse is ahead of us.
Fred Admits Journalistic Dishonesty About Mexico - He told the truth about Mexico, for which he profoundly apologizes.
Privacy in America Is Dead - Are We Crazy?  Privacy is almost dead in America, says Gary Barnett.
Saving Our Brave, New World - It's the End of the World as We Know It, And Butler Shaffer feels fine.
Shouldn't Read the News. I Really Shouldn't. -   Buoyant Cannibals - Fred Reed on US war criminals
Cops “Justified” in Taser Attack on Disabled Man - a deaf and mentally disabled 37-year-old man
The Cheney plan to deploy the U.S. military on U.S. soil - something which the Constitution forbids
ANIMAL FARM - 2009 - Jim Quinn on just how Orwellian the Unites States has become
NEVER Believe Uncorroborated Police Testimony - an incident last August in Philadelphia
Murder, Inc. - That should not be another name for America, says Eric Margolis.
If Only Walter Cronkite Had Left His Integrity Behind - The greatest sorrow in marking Cronkite's death is recognizing that the media has replaced his wisdom with pontification.
The Government Is Invading My Hobbies - Bobby Hill on an ominous and maddening trend.
The Enthusiastic War Bride  - War Is Organized Crime.  It wrecks others countries and us, says Bill Buppert.
Big Pharma Bribes Doctors to Hook Your Kids on Drugs - Americans must start to question the legitimacy of the exploitative pharmaceutical-industrial complex and the predatory people atop them.
Liberty and Safety - The American Police State: Andrew Napolitano on our former civil liberties.
Spies In the Classroom: The Government Is Running a Secretive Intelligence Recruitment Program in Schools - The "Pat Roberts Intelligence Scholars Program" may become a permanent budget item, making universities unwitting agents of state intelligence
Flag Waving Is Not My Kind of Patriotism - Bob Higgs on being an actual patriot.
Independence and Liberty - We're losing both, says Anthony Gregory, but it need not be so.
"More Better Faster!": How Our Spastic Digital Culture Scrambles Our Brains - The digital communications apparatus is crowding out deeper relationships and more deliberative modes of thinking.
Basic Premises - Charley Reese's Basic Premises - a newspaperman rather than a shill for the regime.
Obama Contemplates Executive Order for Detention Without Charges - Proof of guilt? In 21st-century America, there is no longer any need for such annoyances
Question Authority: Always and Forever Hereafter - Be the resistance, says Bill Buppert.
Time to Take the Tasers Away - more stories of the police abuse of taser weapons
An American 'Yezhovschina'? - String Up the Barbed Wire and Sharpen the Guillotine
There are haters in our midst.  (A real blood-boiler about Soviet-style supression of political dissent)
The Lone Truthteller - Ron Paul is the lone dissenter on the vote for further military funding.
Back in the U.S.S.A. - Peter Schiff on what the Obama financial "reforms" really mean.  "Obama proposes to entrust the critical job of “systemic risk regulator” to the Federal Reserve, the very organization that has proven most adept at creating systemic risk. This is like making Keith Richards the head of the DEA."
Intriguing Plan in Michael Moore's Home Town: Bulldoze the Ghost 'Burbs, Return Them to Nature - Concept of razing post-industrial "rust belt" empty neighborhoods draws interest in Detroit, Philadelphia, Baltimore and other cities.
No More Murderous Rip-Offs - Ron Paul on war spending.
The American Empire Is Bankrupt - This week marks the end of the dollar’s reign as the world’s reserve currency.
Economic Fallout Has Spurred an Epidemic of Murder and Suicide That Has Gone Largely Unnoticed - A silent, nationwide epidemic of drastic measures may be underway, so why aren't we talking about it?
Who Will Tell the People? - About what the monster state is doing to them.
Fail, Fail, Fail, Fail - Lew Rockwell on the Bush-Obama War on Recession.
Fight Government Encroachment into Healthcare! - Ron Paul on the peeping toms of healthcare.
Am I Glad I'm in Mexico - Fred Reed on the US fascist revolution.
Frail, cowardly Winston saved us - George Orwell got many things wrong in his great novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, but he changed the way we see ourselves
Life in Vichy America - Bill Buppert on collaboration vs. resistance.
The 'No Problem' Mindset: Guaranteed Destruction - Gary North on the mindset that will wreck us.
Exceptional Us - John Liechty on funny and crazy American nationalism.
A New Private-Public Partnership: The Citizen Police State - The danger of government enlisting masses of private citizens to report "suspicious behavior."
Coming Soon To a City Near You - Michael Gaddy on fearmongering in the USA
For Summer Sunburn - 10 Natural, Safe Food and Herbal Remedies
Canadians Take Notice, the U.S. Is Militarizing the Border - More troops, more searches, more surveilance drones. The U.S. is taking Canadians' pictures as they cross the border, and their biometrics.
The Humanitarian Face of the State, With Fangs - Bush the despot!  Obama the savior!
FBI Blows It: Supposed Terror Plot Against NY Synagogues Is Bogus - Turns out it is really the handiwork of a creepy FBI informant. The story strengthens the narrative that the "homeland" is under attack. It's not.
Government Experiments on U.S. Soldiers: Shocking Claims Come to Light in New Court Case - They say government scientists messed with their minds. Now, veterans who were the subject of top-secret experiments want answers.
"The Worst Is Yet to Come": If You're Not Petrified, You're Not Paying Attention [VIDEO] - Howard Davidowitz, who is nothing if not opinionated (and colorful), paints a very grim picture
If All We Get Is a Circus, Can’t We at Least Have Trained Seals and Bears on Unicycles?
Gov. Rick Perry of Texas: "I Don't Advocate Secession" - a very good clarification of his stance on secession from the Union.  He supports the 10th Amendment to the US Constitution, not secession.
Obama's Weird Idea of Auto Industry Rescue: Use Our Money to Build Car Factories Abroad - Can someone explain how outsourcing the auto industry is in our national interest?
Inflationary Sinkhole Ahead - Peter Schiff on what the Fed has done to us
Military Police Document Reveals Integration with Local Law Enforcement
Finding Joy in Frugality
No, the Free Market Did Not Cause the Financial Crisis - Tom Woods on what did
Ron Paul Deserves the Nobel Peace Prize [VIDEO] - Here he argues against intervention, mass murder, and financial disaster, and shows up one of the most sinister of Obama's lying neocons, Richard Holbrooke.
Survivalists 2.0: Regular people get ready for the worst
Is There Any Wonder Some People Snap Like in Binghamton and at Columbine? - Our entire way of life -- from our exploitative economy to our foreign policy -- is violent.
The Latest Absurdity in the Fight to Conserve Water: Making Rainwater Harvesting Illegal - Absurd laws are challenging the collection in some states, while others are embracing the practice.
World Cop and American Daddy - Even in its successful rescue mission against Somali pirates, the U.S. government sets bad precedents for future intervention and blowback.
Lonely in an Electronic Wilderness: "The Great Emotional Sickness of Our Era" - iPods and Blackberries offer instant access to a virtual world, but are technological gadgets keeping people apart and breaking down society?
Ron Paul, Right About the Economy, Right About Freedom
The war on drugs is a war on common sense  - Just Say No ... More
6 Commonly Held Beliefs Among People Who Lack Common Sense - This one ought to raise a few hackles ;)
The Martial Law Mind-Set
America Is a Dangerous Vigilante, Heroes Are Sociopaths: The Not-So-Mythical World of 'Watchmen' - "Watchmen" depicts what happens when an individual or a nation assumes unwarranted and unlimited powers
U.S. Taxpayers: The Few. The Proud. The Unprofitable.
Government Gone Wild - Some disturbing stories about government in action
Is Obama embracing the lawless, omnipotent executive? - Glenn Greenwald on the omnipotent presidency
Surprise! Bush Amended The Constitution!
"Consumerism" Is Dead -- Can Obama Lead Us to a Downscaled Lifestyle?
Are You a Brainless Obeyer?
Washington contemplates deploying the Armed Forces for domestic law enforcement
The Government's War on Recession - Dangerously wrong
Remember the Constitution? - Like Ron Paul, Don Cooper does
From One Assault on the Constitution To Another - Is anything left?
The United States: The Largest Ponzi Scheme in the World - Bill Bonner on the United States
New plan may tax U.S. drivers for every mile traveled, says Transportation Secretary Roy LaHood
Beyond Open or Closed Borders - Laurence Vance on human migration
Government: A Successful Failure - Only in the same sense as a street mugger before getting apprehended!
It can’t happen to us - Ruined financiers committing desperate acts
A Black Hole on $10 Billion a Day - It is interesting – albeit not pleasant – to witness the collapse of Western civilization.
The Nanny State - Government intervention is never the solution; it is always part of the problem.
Everything Still Looks the Same, But We've Become a New Country - The political theater of the moment in Washington is focused on the illusion that we can find new ways of keeping the old ways going.
The Coming Fascism - by Karen Kwiatkowski
Putin to the West: Take Your Medicine - and don't go socialist.  A Russian lecturing us on capitalism?  Bizarro World indeed
Cures For Our Economic Disease - Ron Paul on the econmics disaster
Bush, Obama and the American State - a Libertarian perspective on Republican and Democrat governments
Stimulus for Who? - Ron Paul on the 'stimulus' package
Obama gets right to work scrubbing out 8 years of bad policies - (Kudos, Mister President.  Please keep up the good work :-)
Years of Darkness, Tyranny, and Oppression - our recent US history, and how we can avoid future mistakes
America Is Moving Toward Czarism and Away from Democracy - Every patriot should be concerned about the intensifying efforts to supplant democracy with something far more authoritarian: "American czarism."
Dear Dubya: What Next? - Dub, Old Buddy, Say it isn't so...
Is America's Love Affair with Stupidity Finally Over? - Americans' embrace of the Obamas and other intelligent public figures may be part of a much-needed cultural shift. (check out my page devoted Idiocracy)
Five Ways We Can Build a Movement to Stop This Idiotic War on Drugs - This is a time to put big ideas on the table. We have to learn how to coexist with drugs. They aren't going anywhere.
The Bush Era Has Been an Eight-Year-Long Madoff-Style Ripoff - It will be easier for us and Obama to push for a bold agenda if we demand accountability for the robbery and theft of the Bush years.
Do Americans Have Cognitive Dissonance When it Comes to Liberty?
Rejoice in the Depression - It was long past time to cut back, says Tom Chartier.
Soviet TV Loves the Secret Police - Sorry, make that ABC and Homeland Security.
New Year 2009: Leading thinkers offer predictions of 'next big thing' - Leading thinkers - including Craig Venter and Ian McEwan - have marked New Year 2009 by predicting what will be the next big thing to shape the future.
Did You Know 200,000 Vets Are Sleeping on the Streets? - America's promise to "Support the Troops" ends the moment they take off the uniform and try to make the transition to civilian life.
I Pledge Allegiance to the Junta - Will Grigg on encroaching military rule
Thank Goodness I Live in a Free Country - Proud To Be a Murican, where at least he knows he's free. Article by Don Cooper
Life After the Economic Collapse: How Having Less Will Make Us Happier
Toxic Paper - Fiat money is the mother of all toxic papers
Losing Interest in Economic Recovery - a satirical look at the crash of 2008
Pentagon to Detail Troops to Bolster Domestic Security
Government bans tin-foil beanies - Metal headwear not fair on mind-control spooks, say Feds
Get Out Your Wheelbarrows! - Tom Chartier on Weimar USA
Too Much Stuff: How Our Profligate Consumerism Might Keep Us in Iraq - Wherever we go, our "stuff" goes with us -- in such large quantities that removing it could prove more daunting than invading in the first place
Forget Red vs. Blue -- It's the Educated vs. People Easily Fooled by Propaganda
Police State Colorado - undercover police officers posing as protesters staged a violent confrontation with another officer
The Pentagon Is the President's Private Army - Fred Reed on the militarist states of America
Most Presidents Ignore the Constitution - The government we have today is something the Founders could never have imagined
The Standard of Living Bubble (And Why It’s About to Go Pop!)
Ex-Chicago policeman charged in torture case
Our Rights Are Under Attack - Recent steps by the FBI and other law enforcement organizations have severely undermined the right to privacy
Blaming Liberty for the State's Depredations - Anthony Gregory on Jacob Weisberg of Slate
Bailout and Revolution, Film Noir Style - Firesign fans will like this one
As the Violence Soars, Mexico Signals It's Had Enough of America's Stupid War on Drugs - The U.S.-financed War on Drugs has had savage results in Mexico, and now its president wants to decriminalize pot, cocaine and heroin possession
The Battle Plan III: Deployment and Its Dangers - On October 1, 2008, President Bush deployed a brigade -- which means three to four thousand warriors -- somewhere in America
Time for Optimism? - Anthony Gregory takes account of the general situation.
Dear Reader, I Need Your Money (Or We Are All Going to Perish)
Will Wall Street's Meltdown Turn America Into a Police State? - Failing banks? Endless war? Call Homeland Security
U.S. Titanic - Jim Quinn on the real meaning of the bailout
The Creation of the Second Great Depression - Ron Paul on the Fed-Wall Street swindle
Ron Paul Against the Bailout - Statement Before the Financial Services Committee, "The Future of Financial Services: Exploring Solutions for the Market Crisis," September 24, 2008
Wall Street Is Licking Its Chops at the Bush Team's Multi-Hundred Billion Dollar Giveaway Plan - If Wall Street gets away with this, it will represent an historic swindle of the American public
Howard Zinn: American Empire Is 'Crumbling' - "I think the American empire will go the way of other empires and I think it is on its way now."
The 9/11 Disaster - What Might Have Been - from Pen-Elayne on the Web
The Myth of National Defense - and other State Lies
The Militarized States of America - Fred Reed on the incompetent, expensive, and dangerous armed forces
Monkey Police - Jayant Bhandari on North American cops copying India's
'America's Outrageous War Economy!' - Pentagon can't find $2.3 trillion, wasting trillions on 'national defense'
Dissent Is Essential to Democracy - So why are people being arrested for lawful protest?
Regular Folks Who Hate War
China Unveils Frightening Futuristic Police State at Olympics - The Olympics have opened up a backdoor for the regime to massively upgrade its systems of population control and repression
The Problem Is Simple: Too Many People, Too Much Stuff - An equitable and humane solution to overpopulation and overconsumption may actually be possible
Slip-Sliding Away - on the loss of our Democracy
The Fabric of America Is Fraying as the Economic Downturn Continues - Our economic success, as it's generally measured, obscures some deep social problems.
The Pentagonization of US life - Nick Turse and Tom Engelhardt of on the system of militarization
A Tattoo for Every Politician's Forehead
- Charley Reese on "America First."
The Crisis Is Upon Us - Ron Paul on the depression
'You've Got a Gun on Your T-Shirt' - And other crimes in neo-America
Enabling Tyranny - Paul Craig Roberts on ex-America
FISA Bill's Real Target: What Remains of Our Open Society - The new FISA law uses terrorism as a pretext to permit wholesale spying and would seriously cripple our free press.
Homogeneity Threatens Democracy - Across America, local culture has been supplanted by fast food and sub-par Will Smith movies. No wonder people don't care about hometown issues.
Banditti In Blue - the drug war is used to militarize local law enforcement
Bush's Secret Army of Snoops and Snitches - A new class of everyday spies, from paramedics to utility workers, are being recruited to be "terrorism liason officers."
Want some torture with your peanuts? - Just when you thought you’ve heard it all...
Who Killed the Constitution? -  The Fate of American Liberty from World War I to George W. Bush
The 'Higher Powers': Martial Law vs. Christian Responsibility - can Christianity be used to bring about a state of martial law?
July 4th In Bizarro World
- Butler Shaffer on the evil of state holidays
Change vs. Victory - Tom Chartier on the race to be dictator
The 10 Most Awesomely Bad Moments of the Bush Presidency
- A shorter version of our long national nightmare
'The US is not a republic anymore' - An interview with Gore Vidal
How Long Does Drug Prohibition Need to Continue Before It's Declared a Failure? - The day we legalize drugs is the day we can begin to clean up the mess that the drug prohibition experiment has created.
America's Child Prisoners - In a year, ten thousand children caught crossing the border unaccompanied are not immediately deported, but rather detained in the US.
George, We Have a Job For You in January - With the Army in Afghanistan, says Don Bacon
Counter-Culture Slide Show
- The pop culture in 1968.
The Pornography of Power: How Defense Hawks Hijacked 9/11 and Weakened America
- The huge "defense" spending going on in our name is irrational and costly, but there are powerful vested interests that want to keep it that way.
Thousands of Californians Sign Petition to Rename Sewage Plant After George W. Bush

Ron Paul's Statement on FISA
- Statement on HR 6304, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) Amendments before the US House of Representatives, June 20, 2008
Senate Housing Bill Requires eBay, Amazon, Google, and All Credit Card Companies to Report Transactions to the Government
- Broad, invasive provision touches nearly every aspect of American commerce Body Fat Holds The Key to Energy Independence - a 'modest proposal' from Barbara Ehrenreich
A Transportation Crisis, Not An Oil Crisis
- We need better transportation technology, not more oil.
Ron Paul and Dwight D. Eisenhower – True Patriots

Kucinich's Mammoth Case for Impeaching Bush
Squeezing the American Dream: Workers Face Diminishing Returns - A new book on plight of white-collar and blue-collar workers lays bare how the American dream is now out of the reach of tens of millions.
    And in the spirit of the piece, a little music from Hank Williams, Jr. called "The American Dream"
America's Democratic Collapse
Bush's Bizarro World
Wall Street's Racket Has Gone Too Far, and We're Going to Pay the Heavy Price - There's a great wish for American finance to return to business-as-usual happy days of high profits, but there's just too much debt to swallow.
How the Government Is Passing Secret Laws - The government is undermining our rights by making laws in secret. Surprise, surprise.
Moyers: 'Democracy in America Is a Series of Narrow Escapes, and We May Be Running Out of Luck'
The Myths and Harsh Effects of Bush's Economic Class War - The recession of 2001 never ended -- at least not for ordinary Americans.
Thefts There Are – Safety Nets There Are Not
Life Expectancies Dropping, Wages Falling, Food Rationing Reported -- What the Hell is Going on?
Is Your Daily Life Enslaved by the Electronic World?
Memo Shows Bush Administration Says to Hell With Fourth Amendment Rights
Telecom Whistleblower Discovers Circuit that Allows Access to All Systems on Wireless Carrier—Phone Calls, Text Messages, Emails and More
If We Want to Survive the Climate Crisis We Must Change
Bush Cancels Presidential Election [VIDEO] - At the advice of President Musharraf, Bush declares state of emergency and postpones the upcoming election.
Candidates, Remember the Constitution?
The Onion: New Poll Shows Bullsh*t Is the Most Important Issue for US Voters [VIDEO]
George Bush Is Engaged in an Epic Battle to Cover His Ass
Every Year Brings Us Closer To 1984
The Surveillance Scam
FBI Deputizes Private Contractors With Extraordinary Powers, Including 'Shoot to Kill'
Immigrants Come Here Because Globalization Took Their Jobs Back There
A Polite Message from the Surveillance State
The Fraud of Bushenomics: They’re Looting the Country
Punishing Thought Crime: Would New Bill Make YOU a Terrorist?
Now the Theocrats Want 'American Religious History Week'
20 Annoying Things About 2007
Why The Counterculture Should Support Ron Paul
'Thought Crimes,' HR 1955 Passed With 404 Votes -Submit, Ye Citizens, Silently to State Murder
The American Dream is Alive and Well ... in Finland!
How to Really Love Your Country: Five Objectives for True Patriots
Pay It off Later: Debt Is the New American Dream
Dennis Kucinich Offers Cheney Impeachment Resolution
If Stephen Colbert Can't Get On A Presidential Ballot, Who Can?
Bill Maher - Stop Saying Iraq Is Another Vietnam; It's Another Enron
Jim Hightower - Is A Presidential Coup Under Way?

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